Club News
June 2014
Peach orders and payment are DUE on June 27th.
Please bring spreadsheets and money to the meeting! Thank you!
Club Meeting
- Friday, June 27th, at the Kremmling Community Church, from 1-3 p.m.
- 1:00 p.m. ~ Business Meeting
- Demonstrations presented by…
- Bailey
- Audrey
- Liberty
- Ben
- Julie
- Jill
- Foster
- Demonstration Introduction Format (taught by Caitlyn):
- “Hello, my name is ________________________, and I am a ________________ (i.e. Cloverbud, Junior, Intermediate, or Senior) member of the Homesteaders 4-H Club located in Grand County, Colorado. My extension agent is Travis Hoesli and my club leader is Shelly Mathis.”
- Foster is going to open in prayer.
- Cameron is sharing a devotional.
- Shiloh is bringing refreshments.
- Summer Tray Favors - Organized by Linke-Krempin and Bensing-Wood families
Club Announcements
- WEBSITE UPDATE: Meeting & Activity Attendance
- I added a new page to our website (a big tab to the right of Members & Leaders).
- Please review what I have listed and let me know if you see any errors. Thanks!
- NEXT Club Meeting - Friday, July 11th @ KCC from 1 - 3 p.m.
- Clover Time and Demonstrations!
Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
- Please complete and submit your fair registration before July 9th!
- Fairgrounds Clean-Up & July Council Meeting - July 23rd, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- Counts as community service and a meeting/activity!
REMINDER: Please check your inbox and read through the Extension Office’s 4-H Newsletter each month! There is always pertinent information concerning your 4-H project, interesting activities available to you, and Cloverbud events.