The regular monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H Club was held at the Kremmling Community Church on Febuary 6, 2012.
President Shyla Bohall called the meeting to order at 3:35. The pledges were led by Audrey Wheatley. Roll call was answered by your favorite animal. There were 8 members, 4 parents, and 3 guests in attendance. The minutes were read by Bailey Monnahan. Ben Mathis moved to accept the Secretary's report, and Molly Scruggs seconded the motion. The motion passed. Liberty Mathis gave the Treasurer's report. Molly Scruggs moved to accept the Treasurer's report. Ben Mathis seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
Bailey Monnahan gave a report on the Leadership Development Conference.
Old Business:
Playing games at Cliffview and/or Silver Spruce? Bailey Monnahan moved that we go to both places, and Anna Soltis seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Field Trips? Everyone be thinking of ideas related to you project and get them to the leaders ASAP. Cake decorating at the Merc, Horse Rescue tour, Photography and Scrapbooking workshops are some ideas.
New Business:
Cloverbud Day Camp? Be thinking of ideas for our next cloverbud day camp. Molly Scruggs moved that we do host a Cloverbud Camp. Julie Aprill seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Demonstration Meeting? Our demonstration meetings will be in June and July.
CWF forms are due Febuary 10th
4-H Fun Night-Febuary 23rd
District Retreat-March 2-4
Next Council Meeting-Monday March 5th at 7:00
Next Meeting-Monday March 5th 3:15 at KCC
Spring Break Camp-March 26-30, contact Mrs. Caroline if you would like to help out
Program: Shyla on Leadership
Adjournment: Julie Aprill moved to adjourn the meeting, and Ben Mathis seconded the motion. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 4:10