The monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H Club was held on February 14, 2014.
President Bailey Monnahan called the meeting to order at 2:03 P.M. Julie Aprill led the prayer, and Ben Mathis led the devotion on John 13:34-35. Audrey Wheatley led the pledges. Julie Aprill took the roll call; members were to respond with their middle name. Julie Aprill read the minutes, Molly Scruggs moved that we accept them, and Foster Krempin seconded it; the motion passed. Liberty Mathis gave the treasurer’s report, Ben Mathis moved that we accept it, and Molly Scruggs seconded it; motion passed.
Old Business:
For our February community service we will be taking meals to the Wood family. We also signed a card for them. We voted to sell the Palisade peaches at $35 per box for our club fundraiser.
New Business:
The March tray favors will be Saint Patrick’s Day themed. Julie Aprill voted to buy green scratch shamrocks from Oriental Trading, and Liberty Mathis seconded it; the motion passed. Shelly Mathis will organize it.
Marcy Monnahan might have eggs that we can use in April.
If you have any questions about your projects you can send them to Shelly Mathis.
The club will send a card to the Cameron Family to express sympathy for their barn fire.
February Community Service Baby Wood will be arriving on Friday, February 14th! Shelly Mathis will be emailing the schedule for next week’s Meals for the Woods.
“Code of the West” Cloverbud Camp - Saturday, March 8th, from 2-4 p.m.
NEXT Homesteaders Meeting - Friday, March 14th from 1 - 3 p.m. at Kremmling Community Church. Molly has the next prayer, Audrey has the next devotion, and the Hubbards have the next snack.
Ben Mathis moved that we adjourn the meeting and Foster Krempin seconded it. The meeting was adjourned at 3:08 P.M.