Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Recap of November 2019 Meeting

by Marcy Wheatley

Meeting Date: November 8, 2019

Old Business

Bluegrass tickets in Grand Junction and a Red Lobster gift card were purchased for Peachfork Orchards as a thank you from our club this year.

New Business 

  • Club voted to reimburse Susan for tray favors and to give Foster trip assistance for CLC.
  • Club approved $10/ticket reimbursement to 4-H members and one parent for the National Western Stock Show in Denver in January.  If your family is able to go, please bring ticket stubs or proof of purchase to Marcy/Audrey for $10/ticket reimbursement.
  • Our club will plan on using our Big Shooters gift card for 100% club completion at our next meeting in Kremmling.
  • Club approved going tubing again this year and paying for tickets. We will plan on going to Krempins’ afterwards for potluck lunch and a meeting.  Stay tuned for when this is planned.

January Meeting Volunteers
Prayer - Sego
Devotion - Sego
Refreshments - Kenna

Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Next Club Meeting - Friday, January 17th at Calvary Community Church in HSS @ 1:30 p.m.

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
Next Council Meeting - Monday, December 2nd at 7 PM at HSS Town Hall
Read the County 4-H Newsletter that comes to your email and keep up to date on 4-H events!

Plan for Tree Lighting Ceremony Treats
  • Granby - November 15th @ 5-7 p.m. - arrive and set up at 4:30 in parking lot east of Brickhouse 40
  • Susan shared with me that this went well.  Not as many attendees since there was no carriage rides this year--and maybe other factors. 
  • There were leftover cookies.
Kremmling - December 7th
  • Deliver cookies by 3 p.m. at Kremmling’s Visitor’s Center in Town Square
  • 300 cookies of various flavors needed
    • 150 cookies from Starla Rindt (Shelly/Ben will coordinate with Starla.)
    • Each family will donate 2 dozen cookies and arrange delivery

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Club News - November 2019

Club News
November 2019

Club Meeting
Friday, November 8th @ 1:30 p.m. @ Kremmling Community Church in Kremmling (in the basement)
  • Business
    • Vote for reimbursements
    • Plan upcoming parties
  • Meeting Volunteers
    • Prayer - Kenna
    • Devotion - Lillyanna
    • Refreshments - Sego
Community Service - Shop for Operation Christmas Child after meeting

Friday, October 11, 2019

Recap of October 2019 Meeting

First off I want to congratulate all those running for office. I was quite impressed with your speeches! Great job!!!!!

Also, I want to pass along Shelly Mathis' regret that she has missed some meetings due to her graduate classes. She is still functioning as our club advisor (discussing ideas with me and making sure I have what is needed on the agendas) and staying up-to-date on our happenings.

by Marcy Wheatley

Meeting Date: October 4, 2019

Old Business

Deliver cookies to businesses/groups that support 4-H for National 4-H Week, October 6-12, 2019

New Business 

Outgoing Officers - Thank you so much for your service and leadership this past 4-H year!!!
President - Ben Mathis Vice Pres - Rhaelyn Haddix
Secretary - Foster Krempin Treasurer - Audrey Wheatley
Reporters - Rhaelyn Haddix & Kenna Wall Pledge Leaders - Flint & Sego Krempin
Council Representatives - Flint & Sego Krempin

New Officers - Congratulations on your new offices!!!! 
Communication is key with your leaders if you want to institute change. I look forward to the upcoming year.  
President - Rhaelyn Haddix Vice Pres - Foster Krempin
Secretary - Shiloh French Treasurer - Audrey Wheatley
Reporter - Sego Krempin Pledge Leader - Lillyanna Wutz
Parliamentarian - Flint Krempin
Council Representatives - Foster Krempin & Shiloh French
Gift to Phil from Peachfork Orchards 
The club approved a gift up to $75.  Ben talked to Liberty about a good gift for Phil. 
Community Service - The Holidays!
The club approved a budget of $200 for Operation Christmas Child.  (About $20/box for 6 boxes + $54 shipping). The club will shop next month after the meeting in Kremmling.

Families can bring shoeboxes and items for the boxes if you have new items that can be given (e.g., markers, crayons, yo-yos, pencils, sharpeners, scissors, etc.)

The club voted to spend $150 again this year for 300 cookies for Granby and Kremmling tree lightings.  Families will each make 2 dozen cookies for each tree lighting as well. 

Shelly will contact Starla and order cookies.

Moms please see Tree Lightings details below for assignments on what to bring.  Let me know if there are changes that will make Granby tree lighting work better.  We will discuss at November’s meeting who will be able to volunteer at Granby.  

The club voted to contribute $100 to West Grand Wishes and $100 to Joyful Givers for Christmas.  

Achievement Night - October 19th at 6:00 p.m.
Dinner will begin at 6 PM at the Dance Hall on the Kremmling fairgrounds. 
Homesteaders are to bring “Sides”--not green salads.
Your serving should be enough for 15 or so people. 
If you have more than one 4-H member in your family, please double your “side”.  

** Update - Council would like each family to bring their own place settings to cut down on cost and trash.

November Meeting Volunteers
Prayer - Kenna
Devotion - Lillyana
Refreshments - Sego

Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Next Club Meeting - Friday, November 8th @ the Kremmling Community Church  @ 1:30 p.m.

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
Next Council Meeting - Monday, November 4th at 7 PM at HSS Town Hall
Read the County 4-H Newsletter that comes to your email and keep up to date on 4-H events!

Plan for Tree Lighting Ceremony Treats
  • Granby - November 15th @ 5-7 p.m. - arrive and set up at 4:30?
    • Volunteers:
    • Each family makes 2 dozen cookies + 150 from Starla -- Shelly/Ben
    • Hot Water Plan: Cathlyn’s camp stove?  

    • Supplies:
      • Marcy: styrofoam cups, plastic spoons, napkins, club banner
      • Tonya: trash can and large plastic trash bags
      • Shelly/Ben: extra tubs for leftover cookies, hot cocoa mix (2 batches), packing tape
      • Tish: 2 tables, extension cords, 2 tablecloths, Christmas trays and plates
      • Susan: Russian Spiced Tea mix (turn in receipt for reimbursement of ingredients of tea mix)
      • Cathlyn: water and camp stove
    • What else do we need?
  • Kremmling - December 7th
    • Deliver cookies by 3 p.m. at Kremmling’s Visitor’s Center in Town Square
    • 300 cookies of various flavors needed
      • 150 cookies from Starla Rindt (Shelly/Ben will coordinate with Starla.)
      • Each family will donate 2 dozen cookies and arrange delivery

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Club News - October 2019

Club News
October 2019

Club Meeting
Friday, October 4th @ 1:30 p.m. @ Calvary Church in Hot Sulphur Springs (in the basement)
  • Business
    • Officer Elections
    • Holiday Community Service Projects
    • Tray favors
  • Meeting Volunteers
    • Prayer - Kenna
    • Devotion - Audrey
    • Refreshments - Taylah/Lillyanna/Sonya, etc.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Recap of September 2019 Meeting

by Marcy Wheatley

Meeting Date: September 13, 2019

Old Business

Foster will write a thank-you to be placed in the local newspapers and 4-H newsletter. We sold 444 boxes of fruit and apples will come later in October--maybe week before Halloween.

New Business 

Club’s domanin - Club voted to attach our debit card to the annual renewal of the website and have it renew automatically

Contribution to Mountain Family Center 
The club approved donating $500 to Mountain Family--split 4 ways @ $125 (general donation, capital projects, children’s totes/backpacks, and food pantries) 
The club also approved contributing $200 to 4-H council to help with the cost of meat/supplies for Achievement Night

National 4-H Week October 6-12
See below for cookie assignments.  

Club officers for 2019-2020 4-H year
Marcy e-mailed the club officer application on Friday, September 13th. If a 4-H member is interested in serving as an officer, please return the application to Marcy by October 1st.  Please let Marcy know if you did not receive the application. New officers will be decided at the October 4th meeting and will begin serving at that time.

Achievement Night - October 19th at 6:00 p.m.
Dinner will begin at 6 PM at the Dance Hall on the Kremmling fairgrounds.  Homesteaders are to bring “Sides”--not green salads. Your serving should be enough for 15 or so people.  If you have more than one 4-H member in your family, please double your “side”.  

October Meeting Volunteers
Prayer - Kenna
Devotion - Audrey
Refreshments - Lillyanna/Taylah

Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Next Club Meeting - Friday, October 4th @ the Calvary Church in HSS @ 1:30 p.m. ---- 1st Friday of October !!!

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
Next Council Meeting - Monday, October 7th at 7 PM at HSS Town Hall
Read the County 4-H Newsletter that comes to your email and keep up to date on 4-H events!

National 4-H Week Cookie Plan

Kids need to bake cookies; moms can help!  :)
Please bake and deliver cookies sometime during the week of October 6th-12th.
Please include a note or card with each plate of cookies that thanks the particular business for supporting the Middle Park 4-H program.  You can sign the card from The Homesteaders 4-H Club. Thank you! :)

Granby Town Hall - 3 doz.
Other Granby businesses

(not this year due to arrival of Emmett!

Road & Bridge in Granby - 1 doz.
Fraser Murdoch’s - 1 doz.

County Commissioners - 2 doz.
Extension Office - 1 doz
Kremmling Merc/Hammer - 2 doz
Hot Sulphur Springs Library - 1 doz.
Social Services Dept. - 1 doz.

Grand Gazette - 1 doz.
Northwest - 1 doz.
Bank of the West - 1 doz.

Cliffview - 1 doz.
Grand Mountain Bank - 1 doz.
Silverthorne Murdoch’s - 1 doz.

Mountain Parks Electric - 3 doz. total (1 doz. For each of the 3 offices)
CPAW (Division of Wildlife) - 1 doz.

Xcel Energy - 2 doz
Peak Materials - 2 doz.
Sheriff’s Office - 1 doz

Monday, September 9, 2019

Club News - September 2019

Club News
September 2019

Club Meeting
Friday, July 13th  @ 1:30 p.m. @ Kremmling Community Church
Fruit Fundraiser--turn in money for extra peach boxes
National 4-H Week
Wrap-up Old 4-H Year
Prepare for New 4-H Year
Meeting Volunteers
Prayer - Ben
Devotion -Flint
Refreshments - Ben (Audrey’s Sweet 16!)

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Peaches & Pears Delivery 2019

All Hands on Deck!

Please meet at 8:30 AM Tuesday at the empty lot south of the Social Services office in HSS.  

We will have at least 255 boxes of Peaches (plus extras) and 63 boxes of pears to unload and deliver!
If anyone has friends or family members who could help carry boxes (so not young kids), please ask them to help us.  Wutz family is on vacation and Frenches will be back at school so that dwindles our numbers.  I don't know status of Cathlyn--if her baby has arrived or if Rhae will be able to help us.

I have spreadsheets printed for everyone.

Bring any scotch tape you have to put thank you notes on the boxes.  
Bring WATER and sunscreen!  Take care of yourself Monday evening and on Tuesday because there will be lots of physical labor.  

Bring sharpies to write names of people on boxes so that delivery around the county complex is easier--and maybe your own deliveries, too.

Heidi, how can we deliver to the Xcel guys?  What about your boxes and for Grandma Cathy?  And your other buyers?

Let me know if you have questions!

On Saturday, August 24, 2019, 08:17:46 PM MDT, tish linke <tishlinke