Monday, February 25, 2013

Minutes of February's Meeting

by Secretary Julie Aprill

The monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held on February 22, 2013.

Vice President Bailey Monnahan called the meeting to order at 12:34 P.M.  There were seven guests and three adults in attendance. Audrey Wheatley led the pledges.  Roll call was on your favorite
genre of music.  Julie Aprill read the minutes; Ben Mathis moved that we accept the reading of the minutes; and Liberty Mathis seconded it.  Liberty Mathis read the Treasurer’s Report. Molly moved that we accept it, and Audrey seconded it. Both motions passed.

Old Business
March tray favors will be provided by the Linke’s.  At the Bohall Benefit Dinner we raised $6,000.  Molly turned in her draft for the fair book ad.  Because all members present had gone to the Symphony, instead of giving a report we all talked about it.

New Business
District Retreat: make sure to take money and dress business casual.  If you want to be a district officer let the Extension Hall know.  

We will be donating pot holders to the fundraiser for Brooke Mead .  

We will be buying forty Kum and Go books from the council.  

We discussed field trip ideas.  


District Retreat March 1-3.  
The next council meeting is March Fourth and HSS Town Hall, 7:00 P.M.

Next meeting is March 29th.

Molly moved that we adjourn the meeting, and Ben seconded it. Motion passed.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Recap of February's Meeting

by Shelly Mathis

Friday, February 22, 2013

Tray Favor Volunteers
March - Linke/Krempin
April - Monnahan/Wheatley
May - Mathis

Fair Book Ad
Molly showed us her new design, and we approved it - with the suggestion that she add a border of some kind.  She will email Mrs. Mathis the final copy.  Mrs. Mathis will give her the email address she is to send it to.

Liberty will write the check and complete the order form for the fair book ad and mail them both in.

Kum & Go Booklets
The club voted to buy 40 booklets, but agreed to let the Extension Office know that we will purchase more if council needs us to buy more in order to meet the minimum requirement.

Liberty Mathis will write the check and submit the order to the Extension Office next week.

Once we have the books, the club will discuss selling them.  We may decide to see if Kum & Go will let us stand outside on a Friday afternoon (when it's warm) to sell them.  Families can also take some to tell personally.  Marcy will take some to sell at the horse events they attend on the Front Range.

Projects Taken
Julie - sewing
Bailey - horse
Audrey - horseless horse
Liberty - cakes
Ben - quick breads
Molly - sewing
Shyla - ? everything?!?
Foster - ? 

Molly still has not received her record books.  Mrs. Mathis emailed Caroline Smith to inquire about it.  Caroline responded that she was waiting until after March 1st to place record book orders.  She may have one in the office and will check.  Hopefully the book will be coming soon!  :)

Agreed that everyone would work to be ready to give their required demonstration at the June meeting.  Anyone who cannot make the June meeting can do theirs at the July meeting.

Field Trip Ideas
Focus on the Family in CO Springs
Dairy (maybe Kristi Moyer's family?)
A place in Denver where you can pick your own fruit (need to research for fall)
Argo Mine tour in Idaho Springs
Other mine possibilities
Sew Expo this summer in Denver

The club agreed to donate some potholders to a silent auction/benefit dinner being held for Brooke Meade on March 8th.  Mrs. Mathis forwarded the contact information to Marcy.

March Meeting
Friday, March 29th @ 12:30 p.m. in KCC basement.  

JoAnna will make sure we can meet there on that day.  She will give the key to Mrs. Mathis or have the church unlocked.  

Just FYI - the Mathis family will need to leave around 1:30 p.m. to attend swimming lesson in Summit.

District Retreat is March 1st-3rd.  Bring a snack, swimming suit, ice skates (if you have them), and cash.  Dress code is business casual.  Arrive at the Extension Hall a few minutes before 3 p.m. on Friday, March 1st.  The rides will be leaving at 3 p.m.!

Next Council meeting is Monday, March 4th, 2013 at 7:00 at HSS Town Hall.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Recap of January's Meeting

We covered a lot of information at our January 25th business meeting.   Here is a recap so that we do not forget those things we need to remember and complete.

***We decided to not attend the Fiber Fun Festival on February 16th.  All of us have been extremely, including Caroline, and we all agreed to try for next year.  We get to have a Saturday at home.  Yay!

Bohall Benefit Dinner:
***We voted to donate a selection of potholders for the silent auction at the Bohall Benefit Dinner and the PRC Banquet.

***The club made a $50 donation to the Wordens to help pay for spaghetti sauce at the benefit dinner.

***We voted to work as servers, greeters, and general workers (setting up and cleaning up) at the benefit.

***We made a plan for donation jars.  Wordens donated jars.  Mathis' designed the label and provided the decorative rope.  Tish & Foster sewed the cloth tops.  We agreed to put them together on Sunday night at the benefit.  Marcy and Shelly divided them up to deliver to Kremmling Mercantile, Big Shooters, Northwest, TriRiver, Subway, Kum & Go, the Dollar Store, and Last Time 'Round.  (Deliveries were complete by Tuesday, January 29th.)

***The trip to the CO Symphony is Wednesday, February 6th.  Shelly emailed info the week after the meeting.  (Let me know if you have any questions.)  Everyone has paid!

***District Retreat reimbursement checks were written for Liberty, Julie, and Ben.  We will write one to Shyla when she gets back (if she makes it to District Retreat... we hope so!).  :)

***We voted to renew our fair book ad and came up with wording to thank the Extension Office people and welcome Caitlyn.  Molly volunteered to design a new ad.  She will email that to everyone for input before the February meeting.  It is due by April 1st.

***Tray Favor Assignments:
January - Molly (the kids completed those and delivered them at our January meeting)
February - Bohalls (via Marcy)
March - Tish & Foster
April - Monnahans
May - Mathis

***February's Meeting was schedule for Friday, February 22nd at 12:30 p.m.  JoAnna is going to see if we can meet at KCC.

District Retreat is March 1-3.  Registration was due last Friday!
Next Council meeting is tonight - Feb. 4th at 7 p.m. in HSS.  Contact the office if you need a ride.