Thursday, December 3, 2020

Club News - December 2020

 Homesteaders, I meant to send this a couple days ago--I apologize.

The Kremmling Tree Lighting will just be a tree lighting due to COVID.  They are advising people to stay in their cars to watch the tree lighting.  No refreshments will be served so we are not needed to make cookies.  If you have already done so, then PLEASE enjoy the cookies yourselves or give to a neighbor!  

If you have not already re-enrolled for 4-H, please do so before the end of December to get the cheapest rate (and to get any needed literature soon so you can work on it this winter). Let me know if you have questions.

Have a joyous Christmas season and may you have friends and family to spend quality time with.


Friday, November 20, 2020

Recap of November 2020 Meeting

 by Marcy Wheatley

Meeting Date: November 12, 2020

Old Business

Mountain Family Center - club voted to donate $100 for East Troublesome Fire victims

Tree Lightings

Granby is on Dec 4th - haven’t heard of anything we can do 

Kremmling is on Dec 5th - please make 2-3 dozen cookies 

  • Make arrangements to have the cookies at the Kremmling Visitor Center (on Town Square) by 3 PM

  • Best to use a disposable container that you don’t want back

New Business 


Club voted to go tubing the beginning of 2021 and have club pay (we weren’t able to go in 2020)

We will be on the lookout for good snow on hill and when county health allows us

4-H Online Enrollment is open

  • The sooner you enroll, the sooner you will get your project literature and the sooner we can figure out what is required to complete your project, i.e. manual with activities to complete, determine if you need to make a project board for fair or have some other physical project, etc.

  • I will have a couple sessions of record book help this spring--either at a meeting or arrange to have at another time during the month.

Project Completion Checklist

  • Attend 6 Meetings – these should be mostly club meetings, but 4-H Council meetings

may also count if your leader allows

  • Do a demonstration – this will most likely be in front of your club, but could potentially

be to a larger group

  • Do community service with club or 4-H Council (or both!)

  • Exhibit your project – this will most likely be at fair, but other arrangements may count,

including Expo (ask us for more information!)

  • Complete your Record Book – you must complete your record book and score at least a 70%

January Meeting Volunteers

Prayer - Kenna

Devotion - Audrey

Refreshments - Sego

Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Next Club Meeting - Friday, January 11th @ 1:30 pm at (I will determine this at date gets closer)

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements

Next Council Meeting - Monday, December 7th @ 7 p.m. @ the Town Hall in HSS

Read the County 4-H Newsletter that comes to your email and keep up to date on 4-H events!

New Enrollment - Online enrollment will be open in November.  Be prepared to enroll so you can get any needed literature early and work on it this winter.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Recap of October 2020 Meeting

 by Marcy Wheatley

Meeting Date: October 9, 2020

4-H Council Report

  • Achievement Night will be presented at individual club meetings (see below for our plan)

New Business 

Club Officers for 2020-2021 4-H Year 

President - Foster Krempin

Vice President - Kenna Wall

Secretary - Sego Krempin

Treasurer - Audrey Wheatley

Reporter - Lillyanna Wutz

Historian/Photographer - Thayden Harms

Pledge Leader - Sonya Wutz

Parliamentarian - Flint Krempin

Thank you to outgoing officers!  

New officers - please let me know if you need information for your office or if you have questions.

Community Service

  • Operation Christmas Child - the club voted to participate again this year.  

    • I suggest Petefishes, Krempins, and Harms get together one day to shop in Granby for 4 kids, and Kenna, Ben, Audrey and Wutzes get together one day in Kremmling to shop for the other 2 kids.

    • Budget is $20-23 per child/shoebox.

    • I will send out recommendations of what to purchase for the shoeboxes and what not to buy.  

    • If anyone has shoeboxes to use, please bring those for shopping as it is easier for the kids to figure out what will fit.  If there aren’t enough shoeboxes, then a plastic bin can be purchased at the Dollar Store that is same size as a shoebox.

    • Shopping should be completed before meeting--achievement awards potluck on Nov.13th

    • Please bring filled shoeboxes November 13th so they can be taken to a drop off location the next week.

    • Susan Wall--can Tim take the shoeboxes to Dillon Community Church again sometime from November 16-23?

  • Donations - the club voted to donate $100 to West Grand Wishes, $100 to Joyful Givers, and $200 to Middle Park 4-H Council.

  • Community Tree Lightings

    • Granby’s is Dec 4th - Tish will check what their restrictions will be and how we can participate.  If we have to individually wrap cookies, then we will bow out.

    • Kremmling - Chamber would like us to provide cookies again.

      • Brandy Heitzenrater can make cookies for us at cost.  She will get back to me on what “cost” is.

      • Families will also make cookies themselves to provide for Kremmling.

Club Achievement Night/Club Meeting/Potluck - November 13th

Council is paying each club $5/member for that club’s achievement awards celebration.  We will have ours in conjunction with our next 4-H meeting on November 13th. Awards for our club will be picked up at the extension office to be handed out.

It was suggested that we have the meeting at 5 PM.  Then we can eat at 6 PM and have awards.  Dads are encouraged to come.  

Location will be at 6761 County Road 22 -- at our ranch in a barn.  Please dress for the weather.  We will be protected from wind and hope to have a burn pit or two in the barn.  There is electricity in the barn for crockpots, etc.  More info will follow as we get closer.  

November Meeting Volunteers

Prayer - Sonya

Devotion - Lillyanna

Refreshments - club potluck for achievement night

Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Next Club Meeting - Friday, November 13th @ 5 pm at Wheatley Ranch--7 miles north of Kremmling on CR 22

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements

Next Council Meeting - Monday, November 2nd @ 7 p.m. @ the Town Hall in HSS

Read the County 4-H Newsletter that comes to your email and keep up to date on 4-H events!

New Enrollment - Online enrollment will be open in November.  Be prepared to enroll so you can get any needed literature early and work on it this winter.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Recap of September 2020 Meeting

 by Marcy Wheatley

Meeting Date: September 17, 2020

4-H Council Report

  • Achievement Night is being planned for November

New Business 

Community Service

The vote to contribute to Mountain Family Center was tabled. The club would like to determine what we may need to contribute to the tree lightings and HSS Easter Egg Hunt before deciding on contribution to Mountain Family Center.


National 4-H Week, October 4-10

Each family was assigned some businesses/offices that support 4-H to which deliver cookies along with a thank-you note. That list was e-mailed yesterday.


Club Officers for 2020-2021 4-H Year 

Please send completed applications to Marcy.

Is anyone interested in being Treasurer?  I will continue to keep books on Quickbooks which makes the year-end Treasurer’s book easier.  I can also help any child that takes on that role.

October Meeting Volunteers

Prayer - Kenna

Devotion - Audrey

Refreshments - Sego

Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Next Club Meeting - Friday, October 9th @ 1:30 pm at Hot Sulphur Springs Town Park

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements

Next Council Meeting - Monday, October 5th @ 7 p.m. @ the Town Hall in HSS

Read the County 4-H Newsletter that comes to your email and keep up to date on 4-H events!

National 4-H Week Cookie Plan

  • Kids need to bake cookies; moms can help!  :)

  • Please bake and deliver cookies sometime during the week of October 3rd-9th.

  • Please include a note or card with each plate of cookies that thanks the particular business for supporting the Middle Park 4-H program.  You can sign the card from The Homesteaders 4-H Club.  Thank you!  :)


Granby Town Hall - 3 doz.

Hot Sulphur Springs Library - 1 doz.

Social Services Dept. - 1 doz.


Road & Bridge in Granby - 1 doz.

Fraser Murdoch’s - 1 doz.

Fabric Nook - 1 doz.


Extension Office - 1 doz

Grand Gazette - 1 doz.

Northwest - 1 doz.

Bank of the West - 1 doz.


Kremmling Merc/Hammer - 2 doz.


Cliffview - 1 doz.

United Business Bank - 1 doz.

Silverthorne Murdoch’s - 1 doz.


Xcel Energy - 2 doz

Peak Materials - 2 doz.


CPAW (Division of Wildlife) - 1 doz.

Mountain Parks Electric - 2 doz.

County Commissioners - 2 doz.

Club News - October 2020

 Club News

October 2020

Club Meeting

  • Friday, October 9th @ 1:30 p.m. @ Hot Sulphur Springs Town Park 

    • Business

      • Officer Elections

      • Holiday Community Service Projects

    • Meeting Volunteers

      • Prayer - Kenna

      • Devotion - Audrey

      • Refreshments - Sego

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Club News - September 2020

 Club News

September 2020

Club Meeting

Thursday, September 17th  @ 10:30 a.m. @ Ceriani Park, Kremmling


National 4-H Week

Wrap-up Old 4-H Year

Prepare for New 4-H Year

Meeting Volunteers

Prayer - Sonya

Devotion - Thayden

Refreshments - Lillyanna

Tray favors: We will be decorating circles to look like pumpkins or wreaths at our meeting Thursday. Each family please bring glue sticks, sharpies to decorate,  and ribbon to hang them if you have those items. 


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Recap of July 2020 Meeting

by Marcy Wheatley

Meeting Date: July 10, 2020

4-H Council Report

No concessions at fair (or limited concessions) so plan accordingly

New Business 

Palisade Fruit
Marcy spoke with Phil and they have limited apples this year.  We will not sell any fruit this year and hope the crop is good next year for fruit sales.
Marcy will print flyers with the information and get it in the Grand Gazette and to Tish.  Tish will contact the Courthouse and let people know on the east end of the county.

Record books need leader signature
Please contact Marcy (531-9827) or Tish (531-5465) to have a leader signature on your record book.  Preferably do this once the record book is completed by the 4-H member but before you have your Exhibit Day interview or turn in your livestock record books.  Please give me advance notice if I need to meet you in Kremmling to sign record books.
Judge will deduct points if not signed.

The club approved the budget for 2020-2021.
  • Scholarship Fund - 35%
  • Community Service Fund - 42%
  • Club Activities Fund - 20%
  • Miscellaneous Fund - 3%

Plan of Action
The club approved the Plan of Action for 2020-2021. (This is a general plan and doesn’t have to be followed exactly. See calendar at the end.)

September Meeting Volunteers
Prayer - Sonya
Devotion - Thayden
Refreshments - Lillyana

Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Next Club Meeting - Friday, September 11th @ 1:30 pm at Kremmling Community Church

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
Next Council Meeting - Friday, July 17th @ after fairground cleanup at the Kremmling fairgroundsl
Read the County 4-H Newsletter that comes to your email and keep up to date on 4-H events!

Homesteaders 4-H Club Plan of Action for 2020-21


Business Meetings
Oct. 9th
Nov. 13th
No Club Meeting
Jan. 8th
Feb. 12th
Mar. 12th

4-H Membership Renewal

Discuss Trip Assistance & District Retreat
Community Service

Plan community service
Plan community service

Plan a March community service project

Field Trips & Special Activities
Fall Tray Favors

Winter Tray Favors
Valentine Tray Favors
Tubing Party & Lunch at Krempins

Community Service: Tree Lighting Ceremonies
Community Service: Tree Lighting Ceremonies
Stock Show
Fruit Fundraiser PAPERWORK
Fruit Fundraiser

4-H Achievement Banquet

Youth Fest
District Retreat

National 4-H Week

Homesteaders 4-H Club Plan of Action for 2020-21


Business Meetings
Apr. 9th
May 14th
June 4th?
July 9th
No Club Meeting
Sept. 10th


New Officers

Adult Award Nominations
Plan Holiday Community Service & National 4-H Week
Field Trips & Special Activities
Spring Tray Favors

Summer Tray Favors

Fruit Fundraiser
Fruit Fundraiser
Fruit Fundraiser
Fruit Fundraiser
Deliver Peaches
Deliver Pears

Community Service

State Conference
Council Concessions & Truck Raffle Tickets
Middle Park Fair & Rodeo

4-H Exhibit Day - Finish Projects!
Council Concessions - Earn Trip Assistance!