Meeting Date: June 9, 2017
Officer Round Robin
Many thanks to the members who learned how to be officers in this meeting: Foster - Pledge Leader and Audrey - President. You did a super job!
Ben’s 4-H Council Meeting Report: The vote on county trip assistance will be at the July council meeting (following the fairgrounds cleanup for fair). Lacy is looking for 4-H volunteers to walk around the Town Square during Kremmling Days to sell truck raffle tickets. This is a county fundraiser, and you can earn trip assistance if you participate. Lacy is looking for volunteers to ride in the 4-H truck during the Kremmling Days parade. Contact her by Monday, June 12th, if you are interested!
Old Business
- Club T-Shirts Are Here!
- Ben paid the Mountain Mama’s invoice in full yesterday - $657.19.
- T-shirts cost $4. Polos cost $12.
- Screen printing and shipping were additional charges.
- Mountain Mama’s gave our club a $50 discount.
- Families who purchased a T-shirt for their dads and/or a polo need to reimburse the club directly. Please make checks payable to Homesteaders 4-H Club.
- Below are the amounts of those families who owe the club:
- Mathis - $4 (Brady’s shirt)
- French - $32 (4 polos)
- Wall - $16 (1 polo + Tim’s shirt)
- Petefish - $16 (1 polo + Mr. Petefish’s shirt)
- Haddix - $4 (Alex’s shirt)
- Krempins - $8 (1 polo)
- Shelly took home the shirts belonging to Crandalls, Haddixes, and Callarmans. Please contact her to let her know how you want to get them.
New Business
- Projects & Record Books - Is everyone working on their projects, records books, and Exhibit Day and/or Fair exhibits? Do you know what is required? Do you have questions?
- Please contact the Extension Office to verify you have everything necessary for Exhibit Day interviews.
- Thank-you Card - The Granby Seniors sent us a thank-you card for giving them tray favors.
- Liberty’s Scholarship - Shelly awarded Liberty her $500 Homesteaders scholarship. The club will hold onto her money until next year when she attends CMU.
- Today’s Demonstrations - Taylah, Shiloh, Lexi
- July’s Meeting Volunteers
- Prayer - Rhaelyn
- Devotion - Kenna
- Refreshments - Ben
Homesteaders Club Announcements
- Reminder: Club families receive a family discount for Palisade fruit. Be sure to pay only this amount when completing your own purchases on your spreadsheets:
- Peaches - $25 per box
- Pears & Apples - $20 per box
- Next Club Meeting - Friday, July 14th, 1:30 p.m. @ HSS Community Church
- Demonstration Schedule Reminder
- Evan, Ben, Audrey, Rhaelyn, Liberty
- Fundraiser Spreadsheets & Money - Payments are DUE by June 30th! Please turn these into Shelly at each club meeting or drop by the Kremmling Library on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays.
Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
- Community Service Opportunity - Clean up the fairgrounds for Expo PLUS plant flowers and trees!
- TODAY: 1-3 p.m. Bring gloves, water, sunscreen, work clothes, bug spray.
- Council Fundraiser Opportunities
- Concessions during EXPO next week. Contact the office to sign up.
- Sell 4-H Truck Raffle tickets. Pick up at the office.
- See the form on the June newsletter for other concessions opportunities (and earn trip assistance)!
- Cloverbud Activity Night - June 29th at 6 p.m. in the Exhibit Hall
- Read the County 4-H Newsletter - to find out about county activities, 4-H trips and projects, deadlines, and more!