by Shelly Mathis
Meeting Date: February 9, 2018
4-H Council Meeting Report
Ben reported that the Council is going to hold a truck raffle ticket sale at City Market on May 12.
If you want to volunteer to sell tickets, this is a way you can earn Council trip assistance.
Contact the office if you’re interested in volunteering.
You may pick up truck raffle tickets from the office to sell personally, as well.
The Council plants to participate in the Hot Sulphur Springs and Kremmling Days parades.
Stay tuned for more details.
The Council decided to plan a Parli-Pro Workshop on November 9th.
Old Business
There was no old business to discuss.
New Business
March’s Business Meeting
The club voted via email to move March’s business meeting to Friday, March 2nd.
It will be held at Krempin’s house following the tubing party.
Palisade Fruit Fundraiser
The club voted to continue this fruit fundraiser for this year.
Shelly handed out the fundraising packets including instructions, spreadsheets, and contact cards.
Please let her know if you have any questions.
The club agreed to sell fruit at the County Government Building complex on Wednesday, March 28th.
We will begin at 8:45 a.m.
Tish submitted the necessary paperwork after the meeting, and the club is approved to sell on that date.
We will make an official plan at the March 2nd meeting.
Community Service
The club voted to purchase 150 cookies from Starla Rindt for Kremmling’s Easter Egg Hunt on March 31st.
The club voted to help the Hot Sulphur Springs Chamber’s Easter Egg Hunt.
We will stuff plastic eggs with candy at our March meeting.
We will also give a donation of $125 to help with their luncheon.
The club will not volunteer for grounds maintenance at Cliffview in March since the month is full.
District Retreat Scholarship
The club voted to institute a one-time District Retreat Scholarship of $50 first-year club members.
First-year members don't have a chance to earn club or council trip assistance so this will help them attend.
4-H Projects
Please review the project books you received from Caroline.
Notify her immediately if they are incorrect, such as the wrong unit or level, etc.
Let Shelly or Lacy know if you have any questions about how to begin working on your 4-H projects.
March Meeting Volunteers
Prayer - Flint
Devotion - Sego
Refreshments - ALL (see food plan for March 2nd Tubing Party/Meeting)
Game - There will be no game at this meeting since we are stuffing eggs and making tray favors.
Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter.
Homesteaders Club Announcements
Next Club Meeting - Friday, March 2nd @ the Krempin House following our Tubing Party
Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
District Retreat Registration & Payment DUE - by February 21st at 4 p.m.
Mandatory 4-H 101 Sessions for New 4-H Families (You need to attend only one session.)Wednesday, February 28th @ 6-7pm at the Granby Community Building
Wednesday, March 28th @ 6-7pm at the Extension Office in Kremmling
Cloverbud Nights with Lacy!
The last Thursday of each month (Jan.-July) from 6-7 p.m. at the Exhibit Hall
February 22 - Leathercraft!
Next Council Meeting - Monday, March 5th @ 7pm @ the Hot Sulphur Springs Town Hall
Add/Drop 4-H Projects Deadline - May 1st
Get Started on Project Record Books -
Read the County 4-H Newsletter that comes to your email and keep up to date on 4-H events!
March 2nd Tubing Party/Business Meeting Plan
(If Snow) Where: Meet at the Fraser Tubing Hill
When: Friday, March 2nd at 11 a.m.
Bring: Please bring a school ID or your homeschool letter of intent to prove that you are a local + snow gear
Lunch: Tish and Marcy are making soup.
Please bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert to be shared with all.
RVSP: I need to hear from you by February 27th if you are committed to coming.
Tish will give the Tubing Hill our group count.
If there is still no snow, we will still meet at the Krempin house at 11 a.m.
We will make our community service projects, have our meeting, and enjoy lunch and fellowship.