You did it! Your projects are completed and now you get to show your hard work to a judge at Exhibit Day. A schedule of interviews was emailed to everyone. Please call Kristi at the Extension Office if you have any questions. We are proud of each and every one of you!!!
4-H Council Concessions at the Fair ~ Friday, August 10th ~ 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Our club is signed up to work the 4-H Council concessions trailer. Remember this counts as a council fundraiser that helps qualify you for trip assistance to the various camps and retreats for next year. Come help out if you can! Call Shyla if you have questions.
There will be NO club business meeting during the month of August. The next business meeting will be on Friday, September 14th, at 4 p.m. at the Kremmling Community Church.
Shyla volunteered to organize tray favors for September. Thanks, Shyla!
Molly will be in charge of the October tray favors. Call if you have questions, Molly!