Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Recap of April's Meeting

by Leader Shawn Bohall

Homesteaders 4-H Club meeting recap:
April 19th, 2013
We will be selling coupon booklets at Kum & Go May 31st, 3:00 – 6:00 pm.  Mathis’ bring sign and some change in money bag. Everyone bring a lawn chair.  Please wear a 4-H shirt, preferably your green hoodie.  Shelly suggests bringing sunscreen and/or hats, too. :)
Possible date for Dairy field trip is July 19th.
Rocky Mountain Sew Expo—info to Follow.
Tish will check on Button Factory and Henderson tours.
Cooking Tour will be later when Mrs. Susie can get around better.  Molly will bring a few possible dates to next meeting.  Shelly talked to Susie about sometime in the month of June... will wait to hear from her.
May meeting is the 31st, 1:00 pm @ KCC.  Who wants tray favors for May? Mathis' already signed up for May tray favors!
June meeting is the 17th, 1:00 pm @ KCC.  Who wants tray favors for June?
July meeting is the 1st, 4:00 pm @ KCC.  Club will provide pizza, email toppings you prefer to Bohall’s.  Who wants July tray favors?
Gymkhanas are July 20th and August 24th
Baking Cookies May 3rd @ Gore Range Baptist Church @ 1:00pm.  Please bring the following:
Bohalls-4.5 cups peanut butter, 13.5 cups oatmeal, 6 cups M&Ms, wax paper, cookie sheets
Mathis-doz eggs, mixer, cookie sheets
Aprills-3 cups brown sugar, 3 cups white sugar
Monnahan/Wheatley-3 Tbl  Vanilla, 6 teas baking soda
Linke- 6 sticks butter
May 1st is drop/add deadline
May6th –May Council deadline to request  trip assistance for state conference.
May 13th deadline for state conference

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Minutes for April's Meeting

by Secretary Julie Aprill

The monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held on April 19, 2013.  

President Shyla Bohall called the meeting to order at 1:09 P.M.  There were seven members, five adults, and no guests in attendance.  Pledges were led by Audrey Wheatley, and Julie Aprill took the roll call.  There were no minutes, due to the absence of the secretary at the previous meeting.  Liberty Mathis gave the treasurers report, Ben moved that we accept it, and Bailey Monnahan seconded it; the motion passed.

Old Business
The moms got together and decided that Friday the 31st would work best to sell Kum and Go booklets.  Mrs. Mathis will be putting together the dairy field trip.  Rocky Mountain Sewing Expo is July 11-13.  We might be doing a cooking career tour with Mrs. Scruggs at the hospital kitchen.  Living History days is April 26-27th in Westminster.

New Business
We will be baking cookies at Gore Range Baptist Church and May 3rd for the 9 health fair.  Next meeting is May 31st at 1:00 p.m.

Add and drop deadline is May 1st.  May 6th is the next council meeting and the deadline for trip assistance for state conference.  The deadline for state conference is May 13th.

Ben Mathis moved that we adjourn the meeting, and Molly Scruggs seconded it; the motion passed.