Sunday, September 16, 2018

Recap of September 2018 Meeting

by Shelly Mathis

Meeting Date: September 14, 2018
Old Business

Fruit Fundraiser
The club sold 446 boxes of fruit total:
281 peaches
71 pears
94 apples

The club voted to purchase 8 extra boxes of apples to donate to seniors and food banks.
4 boxes of Fujis and 4 boxes of Pink Ladies
4 boxes (2 of each kind of apple) will go to Granby (Tish)
4 boxes (2 of each kind of apple) will go to Kremmling (Marcy)

The club approved to reimburse Tish for fuel costs for picking up the pears.  (Audrey & Marcy)

Foster will write a thank-you letter to the newspapers (Sky-Hi News and Grand Gazette).
The letter will include our number of boxes sold and a thank-you to buyers.
He will also announce that apples will be delivered near the end of October.
Audrey can send him a copy of last year’s letter as a reference if he wishes.

In August, the club voted by email to spend $20 to book the library room for the peach delivery meeting.

Foster read a thank-you letter to the club from the Silver Spruce seniors.

The club received a donation for the scholarship fund in memory of Ben McClelland.
Foster, would you please send them a thank-you card for their donation?  I forgot to ask!

New Business

National 4-H Week, October 7-13
The club agreed to bake and deliver homemade cookies and thank-you cards to local businesses.
Kids will bake (with help from moms, of course).  :)
Please include a thank-you note for their support of the 4-H program and sign the club’s name.

Families may deliver any time during the week of October 7-13 (or earlier if on vacation).  :)
Granby Town Hall - 3 oz.
Hot Sulphur Springs Library - 1 doz.
Social Services Dept. - 1 doz.

Courthouse - 3 doz.
Sheriff’s Office - 1 doz.

Road & Bridge in Granby - 1 doz.
Fraser Murdoch’s - 1 doz.

County Commissioners - 2 doz.
Extension Office - 1 doz.

Grand Gazette - 1 doz.
Northwest - 1 doz.
Bank of the West - 1 doz.

Cliffview - 1 doz.
Grand Mountain Bank - 1 doz.
Silverthorne Murdoch’s - 1 doz.

Mountain Parks Electric - 3 doz. total (1 doz. For each of the 3 offices)
CPAW (Division of Wildlife) - 1 doz.

Changes for the New 4-H Year
THANK YOU to the current club officers.  You rocked this year!!

New Officers
Marcy will email the club officer application to each family - DUE to Marcy by Friday, Oct. 5th

Leadership Change
Shelly is “retiring” from serving as Organizational Leader and will continue as an “advisor” as of Oct. 1.

Marcy is our new Organizational Leader.

Thank you all for allowing me to be your leader.  You have all taught me so very much.
I love and appreciate you!  ~Shelly

Volunteers for October’s Meeting
Prayer - Kenna
Devotion - Ben
Refreshments - Kenna
Game - Audrey

Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter on your own.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Next Club Meeting - Friday, October 12th @ 1:30 p.m. @ Hot Sulphur Springs Community Church

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
Next Council Meeting - Monday, October 1st @ 7 p.m. @ the Hot Sulphur Springs Town Hall

Friday, September 7, 2018

Club News - September 2018

Club News
September 2018

Club Meeting
Friday, September 14th @ 1:30 p.m. @ Kremmling Community Church
Club Finances
National 4-H Week
Wrap-up Old 4-H Year
Prepare for New 4-H Year
Meeting Volunteers
Prayer - Kenna
Devotion - Audrey
Refreshments - French Family
Game - Rhae

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements

Next Council Meeting
Monday, September 10th @ 7pm @ the BOCC Meeting Room in the Courthouse
Contact Lacy to find out where to meet her or to ask for a ride (970-724-3436).  
The suburban leaves the fairgrounds at 6:30 p.m.