Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Minutes for May's Meeting

by Secretary Bailey Monnahan

The regular monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H Club was held on May 7, 2012, at the Kremmling Community Church. 

President Shyla Bohall called the meeting to order at 4:22 p.m. The pledges were led by Audrey Wheatley. Roll call was answered by a word that rhymes with pickle. There were 7 members, 2 parents, and no guests in attendance. The minutes were read by Bailey Monnahan. Anna Soltis moved to accept the minutes, and Julie Aprill seconded the motion. The motion passed. Liberty Mathis read the Treasurer's report. Julie Aprill moved to accept the Treasurer's report. Ben Mathis seconded the motion, and the motion passed. 

Old Business: 
Field Trips? We won't do any more field trips until summer is over. 
Cozens Ranch Museum-Friday May 18th at 2:00. What time will we leave? Is the club paying? We will meet at the library at 1:00. Bailey Monnahan moved to have the club pay for admission. Liberty Mathis seconded the motion. The motion passed. 

Cloverbud camp? Mrs. Mathis brought up that we should make it free for the cloverbuds to attend, in hopes that we get some kids this time. 

New Business: 
Tray Favors-Who wants to do June and July? Monnahans will do June and Bohalls will do July. 
Sewing Machines? Shyla Bohall asked if she and Mrs. Bohall could use the club's machines for their new business. The club agreed it would be OK. 

Joann's is going out of business. Do we want fabric if it is cheap? Shyla and Mrs. Bohall are going to Denver on Thursday. The club agreed to give them a $100 budget to spend on fabric. 

Colorado Symphony-May 9th Gymkhanas-August 25th and September 8th 

Julie Aprill moved to adjourn the meeting. Ben Mathis seconded the motion. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 4:45. 

Shyla Bohall led a Leadership Program after the meeting.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May's Schedule

Club Business Meeting ~ Monday ~ May 7, 2012 ~ 4 p.m.
We will have our monthly business meeting and make tray favors for the seniors at Kremmling Community Church.  The Mathis family will organize and deliver May's tray favors.

Colorado Symphony Field Trip ~ Wednesday ~ May 9, 2012
Shelly will send out an email to those attending with all of the pertinent information for the trip.

Cozens Ranch Museum Field Trip ~ Friday ~ May 18, 2012 ~ 2 p.m.
Everyone who can attend please meet at the Kremmling Library at 1 p.m.  Those needing a ride can hop into the vehicles that have extra seats.  :)  We will then depart to go to the museum for our tour which begins at 2 p.m.  They have planned an activity for us following the tour.