Club Business Meeting ~ Monday ~ May 7, 2012 ~ 4 p.m.
We will have our monthly business meeting and make tray favors for the seniors at Kremmling Community Church. The Mathis family will organize and deliver May's tray favors.
Colorado Symphony Field Trip ~ Wednesday ~ May 9, 2012
Shelly will send out an email to those attending with all of the pertinent information for the trip.
Cozens Ranch Museum Field Trip ~ Friday ~ May 18, 2012 ~ 2 p.m.
Everyone who can attend please meet at the Kremmling Library at 1 p.m. Those needing a ride can hop into the vehicles that have extra seats. :) We will then depart to go to the museum for our tour which begins at 2 p.m. They have planned an activity for us following the tour.