Club News
September 2014
Club Meeting
- Friday, September 5th, at the Kremmling Community Church, from 1-3 p.m.
- NO Clover Time!
- Business Meeting
- Main Agenda Points of Discussion
- How should we celebrate our BIG and successful year?
- Brainstorm activities we want to keep and discard for next year.
- Club members will decide on their adult award nominees.
- Volunteers
- Shiloh is going to open in prayer.
- Audrey is sharing a devotional.
- Taylah is bringing refreshments (if she wants to, since we did not have the August meeting)
- Fall Tray Favors (TBA)
Club Announcements
- August 30th Concessions - Thanks for donating! Remember to have your items to the concessions trailer located on the east side of the fairgrounds by 9:30 a.m.
- Outstanding 4-H Member Awards - If you want to compete to win an outstanding 4-H member award, you can nominate yourself. Please contact the office for the right form (724-3436). DUE in office on September 5th.
- Reminder ~ PRC Brochures:
- The following members volunteered to check supplies at these places:
- Mountain Dragon - Ben
- Kenna - Grand Hair Design
- Los Amigos - Ben
- Subway - Frenches/Zick-Woods
- KCC - Julie
- Last Time ‘Round Thrift Store - Audrey
- Post Office - Frenches
- Kremmling Mercantile - Zick-Woods
- If supplies of posters or brochures are low at any of these places, please let Tish know via a phone call or a text (970-531-5465). She will bring more supplies to the September meeting.
Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
- LAST Council Fundraiser Opportunities (to earn trip assistance):
- Sell Kum & Go tickets
- Sell truck raffle tickets @ the Aug. 30th concessions
- Council Gymkhana Concessions: Sunday, Sept. 7th
- 4-H Council Meeting - Monday, Sept. 8th @ 7 p.m. in Hot Sulphur Springs
- 4-H Achievement Banquet - Friday, October 17th @ 5 p.m.
REMINDER: Please check your inbox and read through the Extension Office’s 4-H Newsletter each month! There is always pertinent information concerning your 4-H project, interesting activities available to you, and Cloverbud events.