Friday, April 18, 2014

Minutes for April 2014 Meeting

by Secretary Julie Aprill

The monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held on April 11, 2014.

Vice president, Molly scruggs, called the meeting to order at 2:01 P.M. There were nineteen members, seven adults, and no guests in attendance.  In the absence of Bailey Monnahan, Julie Aprill led the prayer.  Molly Scruggs led the devotion on Joshua 1:9.  The pledges were led by Audrey Wheatley.  Julie Aprill took the roll call; the members responded with their favorite flavor of ice cream.  Julie Aprill read the minutes, Abbie Zick moved that we accept them, and Ben Mathis seconded it; the motion passed.   Liberty Mathis gave the Treasurer’s report, Ben Mathis moved that we accept it, and Foster Krempin seconded it.

Old Business:
Members gave reports on District Retreat, beading at Cliffview, and selling peaches.  Shelly gave spreadsheets to the people who needed them.  The Henderson Mill tour was postponed until fall, due to other groups who had already signed up for tours.  JHB Buttons is no longer giving tours.  Marcy Monnahan will be organizing a field trip to the Museum of Nature & Science,  Liberty Mathis voted that we go on May 30, and Abbie Zick seconded it; the motion passed.  Add and drop deadline for projects is May 1st, make sure you contact Shelly Mathis and the office.

New Business:
Sierra Bensing voted that we fundraise at Ace Hardware on May 17th, and Shiloh French seconded it; motion passed.  We will be needing volunteers.  Abbie Zlck voted that we spend $40 on the fair book ad, Foster Krempin seconded it, and the motion passed.  Abbie Zick voted that we put a flyer for our peaches into the Grand Gazette, Foster Krempin seconded it, and the motion passed.  Families are to let Shelly know when they are ready to start selling Kum and Go booklets.

Let’s sell peaches!  Our goal is to sell 150 boxes… or more!

Record Book Workshop and 4-H Mixer/Fun Night - Friday, April 18th - Extension Hall
Come get help with your record book!  5:30-6:30 p.m.

Abbie Zick moved that we adjourn the meeting, and Ben Mathis seconded it.  The meeting was adjourned at 2:43 P.M.  Sierra Bensing has the next prayer, Abbie Zick has the next devotion, and the Frenches have the next snack.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Recap of April 2014 Meeting

April 11, 2014
by Shelly Mathis

Thank you to Tish, Foster, Sego and Flint for
making such delicious refreshments for the club!

Thank you to everyone who helped clean up after the meeting.  I appreciate you!

Old Business

  • Club members gave reports on District Retreat, beading at Cliffview, and selling peaches at the courthouse.

  • Field Trips
    • Henderson Mill Tour - postponed until the fall - date to be determined later
    • JHB Button Factory - CLOSED to tours!
    • The club voted to visit the Denver Museum Natural & Science on Friday, May 30th, as well as to see the IMAX movie Jerusalem.
      • Marcy will organize the trip.  Stay tune!
      • Per group of 10 students, 1 adult enters free.  Museum cost = FREE.  Movie ticket = $5/person.

  • DROP Projects by April 30th!  Please contact the Extension Office and Shelly if you are dropping anything!

New Business

  • Hot Dogging at Granby Ace Hardware
    • The club voted to cook and serve hot dog’s at Ace on Saturday, May 17th, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.  
    • Various members and families volunteered to make and decorate donation jars and boxes to collect donations that day.  
    • If you cannot work on that day, please bring them to the May 9th business meeting.  Thank you!

  • Fair Book Ad
    • The club voted to again buy a 1/8th page fair book ad for $40 to thank the CSU Extension Office staff for all of their help.
    • Molly and Shelly worked to redesign the ad and email it to the fair board.
    • Liberty wrote the check and mailed it in on April 11th.

  • Peach flyer in the Grand Gazette
    • The club voted to ask the Gazette if they would run our peach flyer for the next few months.
    • Shelly will contact Kim Cameron.

  • Kum & Go Booklets
    • Kum & Go booklets arrived.  This is a join council and club fundraiser.  Most preferred to wait to sell theirs until later on this spring.  Tish and Marcy took theirs that day.
    • Shelly will bring these to each meeting.  We’ll definitely want to start selling these by the beginning of June.

  • Who wants to do next month’s…
    • Prayer - Sierra
    • Devotion - Abbie
    • Refreshments - Shiloh

  • NEW Club Website!
    • Remember that you have to first type www. before you type
    • Go and explore our new site!  
    • Let Shelly know if you can think of other things that would be helpful to have up there.

  • Easter Tray Favors
    • The club made Easter tray favors for the Kremmling seniors and delivered them.


  • 4-H Record Book Workshop and Mixer ~ Friday, April 18th @ Extension Hall
    • 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. - Print and bring your record books and get help from Travis and Caitlyn!
    • 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. - Play games and enjoy refreshments with other 4-H’ers from across the county.  Meet your council officers!

  • NEXT 4-H Council Meeting - Monday, May 5th - 7-8 p.m. @ HSS Community Hall

  • NEXT Homesteaders Meeting - Friday, May 9th, from 1 - 3 p.m. at Kremmling Community Church

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Club News - April 2014

Club News
April 2014

Club Meeting

Here is our schedule for April's meeting:
  • Friday, April 11th, at the Kremmling Community Church, from 1-3 p.m.
    • 1:00 p.m. ~ Jr. Leaders arrive and prepare for Clover Time
      • The rest of the club can arrive between 1 and 1:15 p.m. and visit while we get ready!
    • 1:20 p.m. Clover Time with the entire club!
    • 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ~ Business Meeting
  • Marcy is bringing Easter tray favors.
  • Bailey was going to open in prayer, but she will be absent.  Someone else can!
  • Molly is sharing a devotional…
  • Foster is bringing refreshments...

Club Announcements

  • Let’s sell peaches!  Our goal is to sell 150 boxes… or more!
    • For those of you who attend West Grand, we have heard that the teachers would be interested in having the opportunity to buy peaches.  Maybe you can get together to walk down the halls of the Elementary and Middle School wings and ask!

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements

  • Record Book Workshop and 4-H Mixer/Fun Night - Friday, April 18th - Extension Hall
    • Come get help with your record book!  5:30-6:30 p.m.
    • Play games with other 4-H’ers and enjoy root beer floats!  6:30-8:00 p.m.

  • Livestock Selection Workshop
    • April 11th - 2:00-3:00 p.m. - Extension Hall

  • Lamb, Pig, and Goat Weight-In
    • May 2nd - 3:30-5:30 p.m. in Kremmling
    • May 3rd - 9:00-11:00 a.m. in Granby

  • Meat Quality Assurance and Pork Quality Assurance (MQA/PQA)
    • May 16th - 2:00-4:00 p.m. - Extension Hall

REMINDER: Please check your inbox and read through the Extension Office’s 4-H Newsletter each month!  There is always pertinent information concerning your 4-H project, interesting activities available to you, and Cloverbud events.