The regular monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held on May 7th, 2010 at the Community Church.
President Anna Soltis called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. Ben Mathis led the pledges. Roll Call was answered with “What is your favorite drink?” There were 11 members, 4 adults and 0 guests in attendance. The Minutes were approved as read. The Treasurer's Report was approved as read. The song “ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” was led by Matthew Crandall. Devotion was led by Liberty Mathis on Galatians 3:11. Anna Soltis and Shyla Bohall gave a council report. Ben Mathis gave a report on the Bakery field trip.
Old Business:
Reminded everyone to keep selling their Kum n’ Go books!
New Business:
Gymkhanas—June 12th is being organized by Mrs. Monnahan, and Mrs. Mathis is organizing the July 17th. We will have a sign up sheep at the June meeting.
The club voted not to do the Rodeo Gate at Granby.
To thank Mr. Daugherty, we decided to make him an apron. Mrs. Monnahan will make it and Shyla Bohall will embroider his name on it.
Elitches tickets—The club pays $10.00 and each member pays $10.00. $5.00 will go back to MVCA.
Meeting dates were changed to Thursdays in the months of June and July.
Food drive for the Mountain Family Center - food needs to be at the extension office by May 14th.
4-H Expo hosted at Grand county this year- June 14th-June 17th-we need help!
Make a homemade dessert and bring it to the Extension Office on June 14th and 16th. Desserts will be sold and the money will go to 4-H council.
4-H is having a float during Kremmling Days to celebrate 100 years of 4-H- we need volunteers and ideas.
Kremmling Days concessions at Mud Race- we need workers-call the extension office to sign up!
Mandatory shooting sports meeting –May 19th at 6:00.
Truck tickets for state fundraiser-$5.00 each or 5 for $20.00.
A demonstration was done by Julie Aprill on “How to make a rose” with frosting.
Progress Reports were done by Liberty and Ben Mathis.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:42