Thursday, October 15, 2020

Recap of October 2020 Meeting

 by Marcy Wheatley

Meeting Date: October 9, 2020

4-H Council Report

  • Achievement Night will be presented at individual club meetings (see below for our plan)

New Business 

Club Officers for 2020-2021 4-H Year 

President - Foster Krempin

Vice President - Kenna Wall

Secretary - Sego Krempin

Treasurer - Audrey Wheatley

Reporter - Lillyanna Wutz

Historian/Photographer - Thayden Harms

Pledge Leader - Sonya Wutz

Parliamentarian - Flint Krempin

Thank you to outgoing officers!  

New officers - please let me know if you need information for your office or if you have questions.

Community Service

  • Operation Christmas Child - the club voted to participate again this year.  

    • I suggest Petefishes, Krempins, and Harms get together one day to shop in Granby for 4 kids, and Kenna, Ben, Audrey and Wutzes get together one day in Kremmling to shop for the other 2 kids.

    • Budget is $20-23 per child/shoebox.

    • I will send out recommendations of what to purchase for the shoeboxes and what not to buy.  

    • If anyone has shoeboxes to use, please bring those for shopping as it is easier for the kids to figure out what will fit.  If there aren’t enough shoeboxes, then a plastic bin can be purchased at the Dollar Store that is same size as a shoebox.

    • Shopping should be completed before meeting--achievement awards potluck on Nov.13th

    • Please bring filled shoeboxes November 13th so they can be taken to a drop off location the next week.

    • Susan Wall--can Tim take the shoeboxes to Dillon Community Church again sometime from November 16-23?

  • Donations - the club voted to donate $100 to West Grand Wishes, $100 to Joyful Givers, and $200 to Middle Park 4-H Council.

  • Community Tree Lightings

    • Granby’s is Dec 4th - Tish will check what their restrictions will be and how we can participate.  If we have to individually wrap cookies, then we will bow out.

    • Kremmling - Chamber would like us to provide cookies again.

      • Brandy Heitzenrater can make cookies for us at cost.  She will get back to me on what “cost” is.

      • Families will also make cookies themselves to provide for Kremmling.

Club Achievement Night/Club Meeting/Potluck - November 13th

Council is paying each club $5/member for that club’s achievement awards celebration.  We will have ours in conjunction with our next 4-H meeting on November 13th. Awards for our club will be picked up at the extension office to be handed out.

It was suggested that we have the meeting at 5 PM.  Then we can eat at 6 PM and have awards.  Dads are encouraged to come.  

Location will be at 6761 County Road 22 -- at our ranch in a barn.  Please dress for the weather.  We will be protected from wind and hope to have a burn pit or two in the barn.  There is electricity in the barn for crockpots, etc.  More info will follow as we get closer.  

November Meeting Volunteers

Prayer - Sonya

Devotion - Lillyanna

Refreshments - club potluck for achievement night

Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Next Club Meeting - Friday, November 13th @ 5 pm at Wheatley Ranch--7 miles north of Kremmling on CR 22

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements

Next Council Meeting - Monday, November 2nd @ 7 p.m. @ the Town Hall in HSS

Read the County 4-H Newsletter that comes to your email and keep up to date on 4-H events!

New Enrollment - Online enrollment will be open in November.  Be prepared to enroll so you can get any needed literature early and work on it this winter.