June 27, 2014
by Shelly Mathis
Council Update: Bailey shared how the council voted to make the requirements for earning 4-H trip assistance stricter. They decided on the requirement of each 4-H member serving for 3 hours at one, or a combination of, council concessions, plus selling a total of 5 Kum & Go booklets OR 5 4-H truck raffle tickets. A leader and 4-H Extension officer must sign off on the member’s contribution, to affirm that the time and amounts are accurate.
- Shelly asked the club for their input. She would like to suggest that they modify the requirement to a total of 5 booklets or raffle tickets sold, i.e. that it can be a combination of those items, rather than 5 of one or the other. The club agreed. Shelly will pass this on to Travis and Caitlyn and ask if one of our club members needs to bring it up at the July council meeting.
Old Business:
- Please turn in your peach money to Shelly with your spreadsheets. Thank you!
- Hot Dogging on 5/17 - $160 in donations received - please sign thank-you card for Ace & customers
- Museum of Nature & Science field trip - What did you like best? Everyone who attended enjoyed it!
New Business:
- July 12th Gymkhana Plan
- It will be organized by Shelly by email. We need food donations and volunteers!
- NOTE: There is not enough room in the concessions trailer for everyone to work. If August 30th is better for your schedule to volunteer your time, then please just look for items you can donate… and mark August 30th on your calendar. We’ll be organizing that one later in August.
- The club voted to sell 4-H Truck Raffle Tickets at gymkhanas to raise money for 4-H Council. Shelly will pick up 40 booklets from the office and get the banner for the truck before our gkymkhana concessions.
Next month’s…
- Prayer - Abbie
- Devotion - Liberty
- Refreshments - Abbie
June Demonstrations
Great job to everyone who gave their project demonstrations at the meeting!
- Bailey
- Audrey
- Liberty
- Ben
- Jill
- Foster
Homesteaders Club Announcements
- NEXT Club Meeting - Friday, July 11th @ KCC from 1 - 3 p.m.
- NO Clover Time
- Demonstrations
- Matthew
- Kylie
- Sierra
- Jessica
- Abbie
- Shiloh
- Taylah
- Kenna
- Molly
- Summer Tray Favors - ?
- Leslie & Tish, if you want to wait until August’s meeting, so that we have enough time to do them, it is perfectly fine with me! Just let me know!
- Gymkhana Concessions - Saturday, July 12th @ Fairgrounds (east side)
- Please deliver your items at 9:45 a.m.
- If you need to drop them off before Saturday, just contact Shelly to make a plan to connect!
- WEBSITE UPDATE: Meeting & Activity Attendance
- Shelly added a new page to our website (a big tab to the right of Members & Leaders).
- Please review what I have listed and let her know if you see any errors. Thanks!
Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
- Please complete and submit your fair registration before July 9th!
- Fairgrounds Clean-Up & July Council Meeting - July 23rd, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- Counts as community service and a meeting/activity!
- Exhibit Day - August 1st!
- Council Fundraiser Opportunities (to earn trip assistance):
- Sell Kum & Go tickets (get from Shelly) and 4-H truck raffle tickets (pick up at office)
- Concessions:
- July 26 - Farrier & Gymkhana concessions
- Fair Week (ask the office for times needed)
- Aug. 16 - Demolition Derby
REMINDER: Please check your inbox and read through the Extension Office’s 4-H Newsletter each month! There is always pertinent information concerning your 4-H project, interesting activities available to you, and Cloverbud events.