The monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H Club was held on March 14, 2014
President Bailey Monnahan called the meeting to order at 1:06 P.M. There were fourteen members, six adults, and no guests in attendance. Molly Scruggs led the prayer, and the devotion was skipped. Abbie Zick led the pledges. Julie Aprill took the roll call; members were to respond with their favorite “H” in 4-H. Julie Aprill read the minutes, Molly Scruggs moved that we accept them, and Ben Mathis seconded it; motion passed. Liberty Mathis gave the Treasurer's report, Ben Mathis moved that we accept it, and Molly Scruggs seconded it; motion passed.
Old Business:
Does everyone have all that they need, for the Palisade Peach fundraiser? Turn in the money made to Liberty Mathis, and she will wait until April to deposit them.
We made sure that everyone had someone to help them with their projects this year.
We gave a report on the Cloverbud day camp. We will be open to doing something similar in Granby, but need more information.
We signed cards for the people who helped make the day camp possible.
The Cameron family is very grateful for the sympathy card that we sent them last month.
New business:
We discussed field trip ideas for the next few months. We decided on JHB Buttons, and the Henderson Mill. If we go to JHB Buttons we might be able to go to the Natural History Museum afterwards.
We have a community service opportunity at the Cliffview. Come anytime from 9-12 on Friday, March 28th, and make beaded crosses with the seniors.
The next Meeting is Friday, April 11th, from 1 - 3 p.m. at Kremmling Community Church. Bailey Monnahan has the next prayer, Molly Scruggs has the next devotion, and Foster Krempin has the next snack.
Ben Mathis moved that we adjourn the meeting and Foster Krempin seconded it. The meeting was adjourned at 1:54 P.M. Tray favors were made after the meeting.