Monday, December 23, 2013

Recap of the December 2013 Meeting

by Shelly Mathis

Our club business meeting was held Friday, December 20th, at the Kremmling Library.

Call to Order: Bailey Monnahan
Prayer: Foster Krempin
Devotion: Liberty Mathis
Pledges: Audrey Wheatley
Roll Call: All had to respond with their favorite Christmas song.
Minutes: (Julie was out sick. Liberty stood in her place.) Liberty read November's minutes.

Treasurers Report: Liberty Mathis ~ $1,130.25

Old Business
We agreed to celebrate last year's 100% completion by having an ice cream party at the January business meeting. (This comes as an award from the Extension Office, because every member in our club completed their 4-H project last year. They will reimburse up to $25 toward ice cream and supplies.)

Sierra, Cameron, and Jessica volunteered to join the Cloverbud Camp organizing committee. We agreed that we are going to need to schedule a separate brainstorming meeting sometime in January to get the ball rolling. I will contact the committee members to identify a date that works best for all involved. I will attend the meeting to help facilitate and take notes. The committee did decide on Saturday, February 22nd, as the day of the camp; I was able to reserve the Extension Hall for that day.

We need Tish Linke to call her peach orchard contact to ask specifically how much the boxes will cost us if we cannot pre-sell 300.

Bailey told us that she delivered PRC pamphlets to Los Amigos and Subway. We need to hear from Molly and Julie where they delivered their pamphlets. Also, we need to schedule a time to revisit those sites to see if they need more pamphlets. I can do this once I hear back from Molly and Julie.

New Business
4-H Clubs are now expected to complete more official paperwork each year. I worked on completing some of that last week.  Our club's checking account needed to have the signature card updated. The club voted to remove Shawn Bohall and Susan Soltis from the card, as well as to include a statement that CSU is requiring we have on the signature card: "When deemed necessary, CSU Extension and the Extension Agent in Grand County has the authority to request and obtain information, freeze and designate authorized signatures in regard to this account."  

Now that we have these items in our minutes, I can show them to Grand Mountain Bank and have our signature card updated.

The club also approved a club budget for 2014. If hope to earn $600 in income through fundraisers. Then we budgeted to save $300 for our graduate scholarships, give $200 toward education events (such as field trips, district retreat and other 4-H camps), and spend $100 toward community service projects. This is a rough estimate that can help guide our decisions. The more money we earn, the more money we can give.

We also needed to amend our by-laws to include a statement declaring that upon our club's dissolution, the club leader will transfer all club property and records to the County Extension Agent. The full statement is listed on our agenda and in our minutes. The club approved this statement, and I emailed the minutes to Caroline to add to our official paperwork.

Sierra volunteered to lead us in prayer at the January meeting.
Audrey volunteered to share a devotion.
Kenna and Susan will bring refreshments.

Homesteaders Club Announcements:
Next Homesteaders Meeting - Friday, January 10th from 1 - 3 p.m. at Kremmling Community Church

National Western Stock Show - Jan. 17th

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements:
January 6th Council Meeting @ 7 p.m. at Hot Sulphur Springs Community Hall
Call the Extension Office if you want a ride - 724-3436!

January 24-27: Leadership Development Conference (LDC) 
LDC is a camp for Senior members only. The sign-up forms are due back at the office on January 10th.

District Retreat Registration: DUE by February 28th
For members ages 10-18 years old ~ Held March 21-23, 2014 in Glenwood Springs

Caroline emailed registration forms Thursday, Dec. 19th.  Let the office know if you did not receive it.

If you participated in two 4-H Council fundraisers last year, you can request financial assistance at the Jan. 6th 4-H Council Meeting in HSS at 7:00 p.m.