by Treasurer Liberty Mathis
The December 20, 2013 Homesteaders meeting was held at the Kremmling Library.
Bailey Monnahan called the meeting to order at 1:15pm.
Foster Krempin led the prayer.
Liberty Mathis read Psalm 95:1-4 for the devotion.
Audrey Wheatley led the pledges.
We had to answer roll call with our favorite Christmas song.
Liberty Mathis read the minutes. Ben Mathis made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report. He also moved to amend the minutes to read that half of the parent leaders’ tickets to the stock show would get paid (not for all parents). Audrey seconded the motion; motion passed.
Liberty Mathis read the treasurer’s report. The account balance is $1,130.25. Sierra Bensing made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Foster Krempin seconded the motion; motion passed.
Old Business:
We will get ice cream at the January meeting for our 100% completion award.
Sierra, Jessica, and Cameron volunteered to join the cloverbud camp organizing committee.
Tish Linke will ask the peach orchard regarding the cost of boxes if we cannot pre-sell 300.
We will ask Molly and Julie regarding where they put out PRC flyers.
New Business:
Liberty Mathis made the motion to removed Shawn Bohall and Susan Soltis from our account’s signature card. Ben Mathis seconded the motion; motion passed.
Sierra Bensing made the motion to add the following statement to the signature card…
-”When deemed necessary, CSU Extension and the Extension Agent in Ground County has the authority to request and obtain information, freeze and designate authorized signatures in regard to this account.”
Audrey Wheatley made the seconded the motion; motion passed.
Joy Hast made the motion to approve the club’s budget for 2014 ($600 income; $300 to scholarship fund; $200 to education activities; and $100 to community service supplies.). Sierra Bensing seconded it; motion passed.
Foster Krempin made the motion to adjust the club’s bylaws to state the the club meetings be held the 2nd Friday of each month. Ben Mathis seconded the motion; motion passed.
Sierra Bensing made the motion to add the following statement to the club’s by-laws:
-”Upon dissolution, this club’s assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt organizations for purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal REvenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government or to a state or local government for public purpose. Any such asset not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the club is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said COurt shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. The last official duty of the club’s leader shall be to affect the transfer of club property and to turn over club records to the COunty Extension Agent.”
Foster Krempin seconded the motion; motion passed.
Sierra Bensing will do the next prayer.
Audrey Wheatley will do the next devotion.
Kenna and Susan Wall are bring refreshments for the next meeting.
Ben Mathis made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:44pm. Cameron Wood seconded the motion; motion passed.