Club Announcements
- Club Christmas Party and Business Meeting!
- This Friday, Dec. 20th, at the Kremmling Library’s Community Room, from 12-2 p.m.
- 12 - 1 p.m. - Tray Favors, Gift & Cookies Exchanges, Goodies from Julie
- Please remember to bring 3 dozen cookies to exchange, a large container to take your cookies home, and your gift for the gift exchange (members only).
- I will bring an extra container for us to make a cookie tub for the Extension Office.
- 1 - 2 p.m. - Business Meeting
- NEW Time for Meetings Next Year!
- Beginning in January, our club meeting time will be from 1 - 3 p.m. instead of from 12 - 2 p.m. This is due to the the Kremmling Library hours being changed and thus affecting the timing of Julie’s babysitting job. We can now schedule the meetings such that Molly can participate in the Cloverbud Times and everyone can enjoy lunch before coming to the meeting. Hurray!
- Next Homesteaders Meeting - Friday, January 10th from 1 - 3 p.m. at Kremmling Community Church
- National Western Stock Show - Jan. 17th - 15 Homesteaders + 1 non-leader parent will be attending!
- 4-H Enrollment - DUE before Dec. 31st! - As of Monday, Dec. 16th, the Krempins, Hubbards, Aprills & Wilkinsons have not re-enrolled. Let me know if you have questions!
- Thank you to all club members who decorated the 4-H Council wreath, went to Fraser to sell it (Council earned $150!), wrapped gifts at the Preschool Craft Fair, and baked cookies for Kremmling’s Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. Well done!
Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
- January 6th Council Meeting @ 7 p.m. at Hot Sulphur Springs Community Hall
- Call the Extension Office if you want a ride - 724-3436!
- January 24-27: Leadership Development Conference (LDC)
- LDC is a camp for Senior members only. The sign-up forms are due back at the office on January 10th.