The monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held on October 11, 2013.
President Bailey Monnahan called the meeting to order at 12:20 P.M. There were seven members, three adults, and two guests in attendance. Molly Scruggs moved that we reinstate Prayer and devotions. Bailey Monnahan led the first prayer, and Audrey Wheatley did the devotion on Matthew 22:37. Pledges were led by Audrey Wheatley, and Julie Aprill took the roll call. Ben Mathis moved that we table July’s minutes, and Molly Scruggs seconded it; the motion passed. Liberty Mathis gave the Treasurer's Report for the months of August and September. Molly Scruggs moved that we accept it, and Julie Aprill seconded it; the motion passed.
Old business:
Ben Mathis moved that we continue to let the Bohalls use our club sewing machines, and Audrey Wheatley seconded it; the motion passed. Shelly Mathis gave a financial report for our summer fundraisers.
New Business:
Congratulations to our new club officers:
Bailey Monnahan-President
Molly Scruggs-Vice President
Julie Aprill-Secretary
Liberty Mathis-Treasurer
Audrey Wheatley and Foster Krempin- Rotating Pledge Leaders
Ben Mathis-Photographer
We handed out the 4-H enrollment information; re-enrollment is due December 31st. Thank you cards for our supporting businesses were signed, in honor of national 4-H week. Julie Aprill moved that we do not go and garden at the library; Ben Mathis seconded it, and the motion passed. We will be doing try favors quarterly instead of every month. Liberty Mathis moved that for our October Community service we volunteer at the 4H Fall Fun Fest, and for November's community service we help the Bohalls sew shirt savers for the hospital. Audrey Wheatley seconded it; the motion passed. Molly Scruggs moved that we take turns providing refreshments at the club meetings, and Foster Krempin seconded it.
Achievement Night is October 18th, and the Fall Fun Fest is October 25th.
Ben Mathis moved that we adjourn the meeting, and Molly Scruggs seconded it.