By Audrey Wheatley, Secretary
The monthly meeting for the Homesteaders 4-H club was held Friday, April 15, 2016.
President Liberty Mathis called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Ben Mathis led the prayer. Liberty read a devotion from Psalms 91: 1-2. Foster Krempin led the pledges. Audrey Wheatley did the roll call. Members were to respond with what you are looking forward to about summer. There were 9 members and 4 parents/leaders present. Audrey read the minutes for March. Shiloh French moved to accept the minutes. Taylah French seconded it; the motion passed. Ben Mathis read the treasurer’s report. We have $5,326.23. Jill moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Kenna seconded it; the motion passed.
Old Business:The club tabled the vote if we should give our club families fruit discounts; we will discuss when the other club moms are present.
New Business:Ben made a motion to approve the purchase price that was increased to $45 for our club’s fair book ad. Evan Crandall seconded it; the motion passed. The new design is in black and white because the fair theme is retro-style.
Taylah made a motion to sponsor the fair at the friend level of $100 dollars. Kenna seconded it; the motion passed. Our new club banner will be hung on the fairgrounds for the week of fair.
May’s spring tray favors will be done at the June meeting.
The club may be going to the Peachfork Orchards either on Wednesday June 1st or Friday June 3rd.
The project drop date was April 29th. We will start demonstrations in May.
For the next meeting:
Jill- Prayer
Audrey- Devotion
Krempins and Shelly- Refreshments
Ben moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:36 p.m. Evan seconded it; the motion passed.