By Audrey Wheatley, Secretary
The monthly meeting for the Homesteaders 4-H club was held Friday, March 11, 2016.
President Liberty Mathis called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m. Evan Crandall led the prayer. Jill Wilkinson read a devotion from Isaiah. Foster Krempin led the pledges. Audrey Wheatley did the roll call. Members were to respond with what imaginary land from a book they would like to visit. There were 12 members and 5 parents/leaders present. Audrey read the minutes for February. Foster moved to accept the minutes. Kenna Wall seconded it; the motion passed. Ben Mathis read the treasurer’s report. We have $5,477.23. Taylah French moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Kenna seconded it; the motion passed.
Old Business:
The club reviewed Joel’s design for the club’s new banner. The club approved of the design and the cost will be $106.
The club is selling fruit at the courthouse on March 30th at 8:30 a.m. We will meet at the front parking lot adjacent to Highway 40.
The club ordered 150 cookies from Starla. Shelly will deliver them to the Chamber on Friday, March 25th per Shyla’s request.
New Business:
The club’s community service for April will be at Cliffview at the next meeting. You can either help clean the flower beds or play games and visit with the seniors inside.
The cloverbud activity committee will start planning the outdoor adventure day in April. It will be held either at Teepee Creek or Rock Creek.
Liberty gave the 4-H council update. They need more members to attend in order to have a quorum and vote on items. Otherwise, the council cannot vote on anything and accomplish anything.
For the next meeting
- Ben - Prayer
- Liberty- Devotion
- Evan - Refreshments
Ben adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m. Jill seconded it; the motion passed.