Thursday, February 19, 2015

Recap of February 13, 2015 Meeting

Old Business

  • Field Trips
    • Peachfork Orchards
      • Tish will contact the orchard before our April meeting to see the status of the blossoms and if the owners have a suggestion for a day to visit.
    • Fraser Rec Center
      • Tish will bid on the group pass for the Fraser Tubing Hill at the PRC Banquet.  If the club wins, we will go swimming and tubing.  Otherwise, Tish will research the cost of swimming and renting the tumbling room.
      • She did find out that Fridays and Saturdays from 12-4 are best.
      • Update: The club did not win the tubing pass.  Therefore, we will swim and tumble at the Fraser Rec.  Date - TBA.  Cost = $110 (Tumble Party Group of 8 kids and 2 adults for 1.5 hours) + $25 for swimming + $6 for each extra child (and maybe adults?).  Children ages 6 and under are FREE.  To be discussed at March meeting!
  • Community Service Activities
    • Silver Spruce Apartments - Marcy was absent, so we tabled this discussion.
  • District Retreat Trip Assistance from Club
    • Trip assistance checks for $25 were written and given to those attending.  Let us know if you’re going and haven’t been given your club trip assistance!
  • Fruit Fundraiser
    • Tish & Foster are testing out the new spreadsheet.  Recommended the email column be longer and the column for the 4-H member be shorter (initials only).
    • Shelly will complete everyone’s fruit paperwork and packets and bring to March’s meeting.
    • Tish will connect with the county and schedule a day for interested members to visit and sell fruit.
      • Update: The county is sending out a notice about our fruit sales in everyone’s paychecks.  Wahoo!  Way to go, Tish!  
        • Date Set to Visit & Sell Fruit @ Courthouse: Friday, March 20th @ 8:30 a.m. - meet in the parking lot adjacent to Highway 40, next to the old courthouse building (visible from the highway).  Contact Tish or Shelly with questions!

New Business

  • Leadership Opportunity
    • For those who are interested.  It’s not a required activity!
    • Leading the Cloverbud Night for Miss Caitlyn on Wednesday, April 22nd - 5:30-6:30 p.m.
    • 4-H Project Theme = Gardening
    • Volunteers for Organizing Committee: Liberty, Ben, Audrey & Foster
    • Shelly will schedule a brainstorming meeting between the committee and Caitlyn.
      • Update: Scheduled for Friday, March 6th @ 1:30 p.m.
  • Special Activity for March Meeting - Build a Terrarium with Marcia Wyatt (Flowers by Marcia)
    • The club voted to invite Mrs. Wyatt come teach a workshop on how to build a terrarium of plants at our March 13th club business meeting.  One terrarium will be ordered for each family.
    • The club voted to do a “cost share” for the workshop.
      • Each terrarium = $15
      • Club pays = $10
      • Each family pays = $5
      • All payment is DUE to Marcia at the March meeting - 3/13/15.
      • NOTE: Marci will also bring special terrarium decorations that she will offer for sale, such as frogs, mushrooms, fairies, decorative rocks, and birds.  Bring extra money if you’re interested.  Each item is around $6.
  • Next month’s volunteers…
    • Prayer - Sego
    • Devotion - Audrey
    • Refreshments - Molly

Homesteaders Club Announcements

  • NEXT Club Meeting - Friday, March 13th @ 1 p.m. @ KCC

  • Club Website - Keep an eye on our club website (new members, it’s a great way to explore and see what Homesteaders is all about!) ~

  • New Members!
For those of our new members who joined our club at the turn of the year -  
Six meetings are required for completing your 4-H project.  Options:
  • Club Business Meetings
  • 4-H Council Meetings
  • Project Meetings
  • Club Fundraisers
  • Let Shelly know if you have questions!  ☺

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements

  • 4-H Council Meeting - Monday, March 2nd @ 7 p.m. in Hot Sulphur Springs
    • This is the final day to submit your District Retreat registration and trip assistance request!

  • District Retreat - March 20th-22nd - Glenwood Springs, CO

  • Senior Members - Scholarship applications due by March 6th to Extension Office!

  • Add/Drop Date Deadline - of 4-H projects is May 1st

  • Read the Newsletter - to find out about county activities, 4-H trips and projects, deadlines, and more!