Friday, January 23, 2015

Minutes for January 2015 Meeting

By Audrey Wheatley, Secreatrey

The monthly meeting for the Homesteaders 4-H club was held  Friday, January 9, 2015.

President Liberty Mathis called the meeting to order at 1:22 p.m. Jill Wilkinson led the prayer in absence of Molly Scruggs. Foster Krempin led the pledges. Audrey Wheatley did the roll call and members answered with their favorite movie. Eight  members and 4 parents were present. Audrey read the minutes. Jill motioned to accept the minutes. Foster seconded it; the motion passed. Ben Mathis read the treasurer's report. We have $1,100 in the scholarship fund and $2,372.31 in the checking account. Foster motioned to accept the treasurer’s report. Kenna Wall seconded it; the motion passed.                                   

Old Business:
December’s community service activities were a success. Marcy Monnahan will follow up with Shelly Cecil about Silver Spruce community service needs.

New Business:
Tish Linke-Krempin will be providing February tray favors. Ben moved that we give $300 to the Middle Park 4-H Council. Foster seconded it; the motion passed. Tish will ask about a field trip in May at the Peachfork Orchards. Jill made a motion that we sell apples and pears in addition to peaches. Kenna seconded it; the motion passed.

Jill made a motion to go to the Fraser Rec Center for a recreational trip and our budget it $250. Audrey seconded it; the motion passed. Tish will ask about rates and areas that we will have access to. Ben made a motion that the club lead a Cloverbud night for Caitlyn Taussig in April. This will be about an hour rather than our longer camps we usually do. Jill seconded it; the motion passed.

District Retreat is March 20th-22nd at Glenwood Springs. The office needs to know numbers of attendees ASAP, but registration payment is due by March 2nd. Registration forms are available at the office. The club will give $25 to each member who would like to attend from ages 10-18. The 4-H council will pay for half of the registration for those who participated in two or more Council fundraisers. Contact the office for trip assistance request forms. They are due at February  2nd’s 4-H Council meeting.

Next Meeting will be February 13th at Kremmling community Church. We will do tray favors at noon and the meeting will follow.

Molly will be doing the prayer, Bailey Monnahan is doing devotion, and Kenna will be providing refreshments. The meeting was adjourned at 2:25. Ben moved that we adjourn the meeting. Foster seconded it; the motion passed.