Homesteaders’ January 9, 2015 Meeting
Old Business
- Community Service @ Silver Spruce Apartments
- Marcy will talk to Shelly Cecil and plan a time when a few members from the club will help her clean out her storage room.
- She will also inquire if any residents need cleaning assistance.
New Business
- February Meeting - We will meet early on February 13th, in order to allow PRC Banquet people to leave early.
- Tray Favors & Game at 12 p.m.
- Business Meeting at 1 p.m.
- Delivery of Tray Favors after meeting
- February Tray Favors - Tish and Marcy will be bringing Valentine’s Day favors.
- Club Donation to Middle Park 4-H Council - The club voted to donate $300. Ben will write the check and submit to the office.
- 2015 Club Fundraiser - The club voted to sell apples and pears, in addition to peaches. All will be sold simultaneously, so money has to be collected once. There will be two delivery outings altogether, with the apples and pears coming at a later delivery time.
- Tish will get prices of apples and pears and give to Shelly, so she can update the price sheets by the end of January, when she will email them to Tish before the Stock Growers meeting.
- Forms will be emailed by (or handed out at) the February meeting.
- Field Trip Ideas
- Peachfork Orchards - The club wants to visit the orchard in late April or early May. Tish will inquire if this is a good time.
- Club Recreational Trip
- The club voted to go swimming at the Fraser Rec Center and set a budget cap of $250.
- Tish will inquire regarding group rates for county residents and good days to go. Stay tuned!
- Cloverbud Night in April - The club voted to run a Cloverbud Night in April for Caitlyn as a leadership experience. Shelly will contact Caitlyn to begin the process.
- District Retreat - March 20th-22nd - Glenwood Springs, CO
- Office needs to know numbers of attendees ASAP, but registration payment due by Mar. 2nd.
- Forms available at office.
- The club will give $25 to each member who would like to attend (ages 10-18).
- 4-H Council will pay for half of those who participated in more than two Council fundraisers. Contact office for trip assistance request form. Due at Feb. 2nd’s 4-H Council meeting.
- Who wants to do next month’s…
- Prayer - Molly
- Devotion - Bailey
- Refreshments - Kenna
NOTE: T-shirts were handed out at this meeting. Please let us know if you did not get yours! :)
Homesteaders Club Announcements
- National Western Stock Show Trip - Friday, January 16, 2015 - ETD 8 a.m.
- Attendees from our club:
- Jill Wilkinson
- Foster Krempin
- Liberty & Ben Mathis
- Molly Scruggs
- Jerry, Tonya, Shiloh, Taylah, and Chisum French
- NEXT Club Meeting - February 13th @ 12 p.m.
Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
- 4-H Council Meeting - Monday, Feb. 2nd @ 7 p.m. in Hot Sulphur Springs
- Cloverbud Night - Wednesday, Jan. 21st @ 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Project Books - Watch your email for when Miss Caroline will announce it’s time to pick up project books.
- Read the Newsletter - to find out about county activities, 4-H trips and projects, deadlines, and more!