Monday, October 20, 2014

Minutes for October 2014 Meeting

By Audrey Wheatley, Secretary

The monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held Friday, October 10, 2014.

President Liberty Mathis called the meeting to order at 1:09 p.m. Liberty led the prayer because Molly Scruggs was absent. Shiloh French led the pledges. Audrey Wheatley took the roll call; members were to respond with their favorite kind of chip. There were 8 members present, 3 guests, and 5 parents. Bailey Monnahan moved that we should not read aloud the recap from last month’s meeting. Jill Wilkinson seconded it; the motion passed. Liberty read the Treasurer’s Report because Ben Mathis was absent. We have $1,000 in our scholarship fund and $2,976.26 as our remaining balance. Bailey moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Jill seconded it; the motion passed.

Our club received a $100 donation to our scholarship fund from Tish and Marina in memory of Skip McClelland. We signed a thank-you card for Skip’s family.

Old Business:
Members were reminded to check locations in Kremmling for PRC pamphlets and information. Marcy Monnahan, Bailey, and Audrey came up with three choices for club t-shirts. Shiloh moved to have the t-shirts colored in lime green, Taylah French seconded it; the motion passed. Jill moved that we combine the designs for the shirts, Shiloh seconded it; the motion passed. Bailey moved that we pay for shirts for all members last year and parents. Kenna Wall seconded it; the motion passed. The club voted that we get our shirts made by Active Images in Winter Park. Marcy will send an email asking everyone to get their sizes. The club decided to table the decision on where and when to have a rec center trip. Audrey will send  a thank you letter to Caroline for the newsletter to thank the 4-H community for their support with our peach fundraiser.

New Business:
Thank you to last year’s officers for serving. Congratulations to the new officers!
  • President- Liberty
  • Vice President- Molly
  • Secretary- Audrey
  • Treasurer- Ben
  • Pledge Leader- Foster (Abbie is our substitute Pledge Leader)
  • Reporter- Shiloh
  • Photographers- Abbie & Taylah

4-H Enrollment Information
  • 2. Enter your information  & pick your club
  • 3. Print off your form & bring to the Extension office with your enrollment dues

The club checked and reviewed the charter paperwork. Bailey made a motion to approve the general annual plan of action. Foster seconded it; the motion passed. Jill made a motion to accept the budget, Foster seconded it; the motion passed.  Liberty, Bailey, and Jill will complete the annual review with Shelly Mathis at the end of the meeting.

It’s National 4-H Week! Post a picture of yourself holding a 4-H sign on Social Media!

Moms will plan a taco lunch to happen just prior to November’s meeting.

Jill made a motion that we donate cookies for Kremmling’s Tree Lighting Ceremony. Foster seconded it; the motion passed. Jill will get prices from her mom so we can purchase the cookies from Jilly’s. Moms will research other community service options in the county.

The next club meeting will be Friday, November 14. We will meet at 12:30 for a taco lunch. Bailey will say the prayer and Liberty will do the devotion.

Jill moved that we adjourn the meeting and Kenna seconded it.The meeting was adjourned at 1:50.