Saturday, January 11, 2014

Minutes for January 2014 Meeting

by Secretary Julie Aprill

The monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held on January 10, 2014.

Vice President, Molly Scruggs, called the meeting to order at 1:56 P.M. Sierra Bensing led the prayer. Audrey Wheatley led the devotion on Ecclesiastes 4:9-10.  Audrey Wheatley led the pledges. Secretary Julie Aprill took the roll call and members were to respond with their chosen 4-H projects. There were fifteen members, five adults, and no guests in attendance.  Julie Aprill read the minutes, Liberty Mathis moved the we approve the minutes, and Sierra Bensing seconded it; the motion passed.  Liberty Mathis read the Treasurer's report, Cameron Wood moved to approve the Treasurer’s report, and Jessica Bensing seconded it; the motion passed.

Old Business:
In December we voted on Items that needed to be added or removed from our club’s bank signature card, budget, and bylaws.  

The cloverbud camp committee will get together after adjournment to schedule a meeting with Miss Caitlyn.  The new date for the camp is March 8th.

New Business:
District Retreat is coming up.  Ben Mathis moved that we continue to give $25 to camp attendees. Sierra Bensing seconded it; the motion passed.  So far we have five kids going who will need reimbursed.  

Sierra Bensing moved that we order fifty Kum and Go booklets from the council, Cameron Wood seconded it; the motion passed.  We chose July 19th and August 30th for our club to do Gymkhana concessions.  Tish Linke told us we need to make a decision about selling peaches soon while we can still get a good price on them.

For our February community service, Liberty Mathis moved that we make meals for the Wood family when the new baby arrives. Sierra Bensing seconded it; the motion passed.

Julie Aprill moved to approve the draft for this year’s plan of action and schedule of meetings. Audrey Wheatley seconded it; the motion passed.

Julie Aprill will do the next prayer.  Ben Mathis will do the next devotion.  Susan and Kenna Wall will be providing the refreshments.

National Western Stock Show - Jan. 17th - Shelly sent out information to attendees.

Cloverbud Night - Wednesday, Jan. 22nd, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Extension Hall.  Decorate cupcakes!  Ages 5-7, as of Jan. 1, 2014.

Next Homesteaders Meeting - Friday, February 14th  from 1 - 3 p.m. at Kremmling Community Church

Molly Scruggs asked if anyone had any questions about the announcements.

Ben Mathis moved that we adjourn the meeting and Sierra Bensing seconded it; the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 P.M.