Monday, July 13, 2015

Minutes for July 2015 Meeting

By Audrey Wheatley, Secretary

The monthly meeting for the Homesteaders 4-H club was held Friday, July 10, 2015.

Liberty Mathis called the meeting to order at 1:15. Liberty said the prayer. Audrey Wheatley read the devotion from Deuteronomy 31:6. Foster Krempin led the pledges. Audrey did the roll call. Members responded with their favorite summer activity. There were 10 members and 4 parents. Audrey read the minutes. Jill Wilkinson moved to accept the minutes. Shiloh French seconded; the motion passed. Ben Mathis read the treasurer’s report. We have $1,100 in the scholarship fund and $1,466.71 in the checking account. Jill made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Foster seconded it; the motion passed.

Old Business:
The Grand County Commissioners cut a check this week for $1,000 to go toward the sitting areas. The council is ready for our club donation. Travis Hoesli asked if we want it to go toward a tree. The club voted yes on a tree and other expenses.
New Business:
Peaches will be ready beginning of August. Tish Linke will ask if they can come sometime other than fair week. Ben made a motion to offer a paid hotel room to Peachfork Orchards.  Foster seconded the motion; it passed.

The club financial policy was read by Shelly Mathis. Shiloh made a motion to approve the club financial policy. Taylah French seconded the motion; the motion passed. Shelly also presented the club’s budget. Foster made a motion to accept the budget. Jill seconded the motion; the motion passed.

We decided to not have a meeting in August since we will be delivering peaches.

For next month’s meeting
  • Ben-Prayer
  • Foster-Devotion
  • Shiloh-Refreshments  

Ben made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:18. Foster seconded it; the motion passed.