By Audrey Wheatley, Secretary
The monthly meeting for the Homesteaders 4-H club was held Friday, March 13, 2015.
Liberty Mathis called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. Tish Linke-Krempin said the prayer. Audrey Wheatley read a devotion from Romans 12:4-5. Foster Krempin led the pledges. Audrey did the roll call and members answered with their favorite soup. There were 18 members, 1 guest, and 7 parents. Audrey read the minutes. The council thanked our club for the donation with a letter. Ella Hubbard moved to accept the minutes. Jessica Bensing seconded it; the motion passed. Ben Mathis read the treasurer’s report. We have $1,100 in the scholarship fund and we have $2,953.73 in the checking account. Cameron Wood moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Foster seconded it; the motion passed.
Old Business:
Tish and Shelly Mathis will organize dates via email for the Fraser Rec Center trip. Registration will be needed. Marcy Monnahan will work on community service activities at Silver Spruce Apartments. Bailey Monnahan, Audrey, Liberty, Ben, and Jill Wilkinson attended District Retreat in Glenwood from the 20-22nd. Our club will lead the Cloverbud night for Caitlyn on April 29th from 5:30-6:30. This would be a great opportunity for anyone to get some leadership experience. The committee reported that the topic and activities will be cooking (making guacamole with avocados) and gardening (planting avocado pits). Anybody in the club is welcome to help that evening.
New Business:
We will be selling peaches along with Pink Lady and Fuji apples with pears this year for a fruit fundraiser. Payments and orders are due in June.
The council is in the beginning stages of planning The Fairgrounds Park Project. When the council has more information for funding from the county commissioners and the size of the project, we can decide how much we want to donate for materials.
Jill moved that we will donate $40 for a fairbook ad. Kenna Wall seconded it; the motion passed.
We will begin demonstrations in April.
Record books can be downloaded from the 4-H online website. Ask a leader or the extension office for help in finding your materials.
The next meeting will be on Friday, April 17, at the Kremmling Community Church.
Molly Scruggs will be doing the prayer, Ben will read a devotion, and Shiloh French is bringing refreshments.
Molly moved to adjourn the meeting at 2pm. Sierra Bensing seconded it; the motion passed.