By Shelly Mathis, Leader
(Secretary Julie Aprill was absent)
The monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held on Friday, July 11, 2014.
Treasurer Liberty Mathis called the meeting to order at 1:09 p.m. Abbie Zick led the prayer and Liberty Mathis led the devotion on Psalm 95:2. Audrey Wheatley led the pledges. Liberty took the roll call; members were to respond with their favorite drink. Liberty read the minutes, Abbie moved that accept them, and Shiloh French seconded it; the motion passed. Liberty read the Treasurer’s Report. We now have $1000 in our scholarship fund and $1,721.43 as our remaining balance. Shiloh moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report, and Abbie seconded it; the motion passed.
Liberty informed the club that the next 4-H Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 23rd, in conjunction with cleaning up the fairgrounds. Lunch will be provided. Members need to RSVP to the office, if they plan to attend and help out.
Old Business:
We made our goal and sold 231 boxes of peaches. Tish Linke suggested we tape a “thank you” message to each box of peaches at the time of delivery. Shelly will design the notes. Tish asked the club members and parents to think about asking people who bought peaches if they are interested in ordering apples or pears, which will be ready later in the fall. The club will think about it and vote on it at the August meeting. The club agreed that all families would pitch in to help one another deliver peaches. Trucks and trailers are needed! Tish will ask the orchard if they can give us a heads-up a few days before they deliver - just so families can adjust their schedules.
Members need to deliver their food donations to the gymkhana concessions around 9:45 a.m. on Saturday, July 12th.
New Business:
The club voted to ask Secretary Julie Aprill to submit thank-you letters to the editors of the Sky Hi News and Grand Gazette - thanking all of the community members who bought peaches and Kum & Go booklets to support our club.
The Granby Chamber of Commerce has asked our club’s Junior Leaders if they are interested in conducting a Code of the West kids’ camp on Saturday, September 13th. Shelly will email the Jr. Leaders to inquire of their interest and availability, since most of them were absent from the meeting. They will need to decide by June 28th, and Shelly will notify Tish of their answer.
It’s time to check PRC brochures at local Kremmling businesses. The following people volunteered to check these locations:
- Mountain Dragon - Ben
- Grand Hair Design - Kenna
- Los Amigos - Ben
- Subway - Frenches/Zick-Woods
- KCC - Julie
- Last Time ‘Round Thrift Store - Audrey
- Post Office - Frenches
- Kremmling Mercantile - Zick-Woods
If members find that more brochures are needed, they will contact Tish who will bring fresh supplies to the August meeting.
Foster Krempin moved that we adjourn the meeting and Abbie seconded it. The meeting was adjourned at 1:48 p.m. Shiloh will lead the August meeting’s prayer, Audrey will give the devotion, and Taylah French will bring refreshments.
Following the business meeting, demonstrations were given by Abbie, Taylah, Shiloh, and Kenna.