The regular monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held on February 19, 2010 at the Community Church. Vice President Matthew Crandall called the meeting to order at 1:28 p.m.
Ben Mathis led the pledges. Roll Call was answered with "What is your favorite animal?” There were 11 members and 4 adults in attendance. The Minutes were approved as read. The Treasures Report was approved as read. The ABC song was led by Andrew Taufen. Devotion was led by Bailey Monnahan on John 4:13-14.
Old Business
Kum n' Go Booklets: members need to check out and sell them.
Contact numbers and names have been posted on the website.
Baby hats: Mrs. Monnahan took several to the hospital, they have about 450 babies born each year, so need to make more.
Gymkhana dates-June 12th , July 17th .
New Business
Shyla Bohall was elected chair member of the following.
*Volunteer for Spring Break Camp.
*4-H Cloverbud Camp.
*Cloverbud activities.
Shyla will be calling other members for a committee meeting.
Fundraiser for state 4-H - collecting old jewelry, state officers are collecting gold to fund scholarships for camps.
Newspaper column - If you would like to write something for the paper send it to Shyla Bohall.
4-H Youth Exchange-Speaking March 8st , 12:45 at MVCA
We voted to spend $25.00 per member to attend District Retreat.
We also decided to order a set of flags for our club; Bailey Monnahan will get them.
Demonstrations were done by Bailey Monnahan (on how to estimate the weight of a horse) and Audrey Wheatley (on how you are going to get started with a horse).
Progress Reports were done by Julie Aprill, Liberty Mathis, and Ben Mathis.
District Retreat is March 26-28 at Snow Mountain Ranch.
Next Council meeting March 1st at 7 pm.
There is going to be a lightning photo contest. Check the newsletter for more details.
March 1st -Reenrollment deadline
May 1st is new members enrollment deadline.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:13 p.m.