Homesteaders Community Service Project
In January 2010, the Homesteaders 4-H Club began knitting baby hats to donate to the hospital in Steamboat Springs for newborn babies.
The club has chosen this as an on-going community service project in memory of Rope Wheatley.
This is what Marcy wrote on the sign that is hanging from the hat basket:
This is a community service project started by Rope’s mother after the sudden loss of her baby boy at 28 weeks due to a placenta abruption. These hats are made by many who were anticipating the arrival of Rope Ryan, including members of the Homesteaders 4-H Club in Kremmling, CO. (Rope’s sisters are members of that 4-H Club.)
In Memory Of
Rope Ryan Wheatley
November 20, 2009
2 lbs 9.6 oz
14 inches long
We are comforted with the knowledge that God welcomed Rope to heaven on that cold November morning and that Rope is waiting in heaven for his family. His family will hold him there someday, including his parents Marcy Monnahan and Alan Wheatley.
To see other photos of the hat basket, click here.