Thursday, April 7, 2022

March Meeting Recap

 by Marcy Wheatley

Meeting Date: March 4, 2022

4-H Council Meeting Report

Council is looking for suggestions for fundraisers.  Swine, sheep, and goat tag-ins are in May.

Old Business 

Parliamentary Pro Workshop has been moved to April 16th.  Very good for anyone who is a club officer or wants to become one.

New Business 

Palisade Fruit Fundraiser

Paperwork was handed out to families to begin selling fruit.  Peach orders are due June 30th and it is probably best to have pears and apples sold by then as well.  (Marcy will get paperwork to other families today 3/11 and then catch up with anyone else).  

Community Service

  1. We will be preparing baskets, etc. for Hot Sulphur Springs Easter Egg Hunt at the town hall at the next meeting April 8th.  

  2. The club voted to donate $200 to Kremmling Chamber for their Easter scavenger hunt.

  3. The club voted to donate $100 to Middle Park Fair as fair supporter and to place an ⅛-page ad in the fairbook for $25.

Club Rewards

April Meeting - we will be having Mexican food 

(Tish is checking on HSS Town Hall’s availability at 12 or 1230)

Funded by $150 from Council for most in attendance at Achievement Night

May Meeting - we will have ice cream at Big Shooters afterwards 

Club received a $70 gift certificate for 100% Completion 

(all members completed their projects last year)

Club will pay if $70 won’t cover all members


April  - Audrey, Foster, Lexi, and Flint

May - Teagan, Joshua, Sonya and Critter 

Record Book Info

  • The  updated  Grand  County  4-H  Handbook  is  available  here:

  • Colorado  4-H  State  Fair  Exhibit  Requirements (also the requirements for county fair),  please  note  that  all  tri-fold  display  boards must  be  48x36  in.  or  they  will  be  disqualified:

  • You can also contact the extension office at 724-3436 for help or ask Tish or Marcy or an older 4-H club member.

April Meeting Volunteers

Prayer - Kenna

Devotion - Carly

Refreshments - Mexican food

Please read the 4-H newsletter.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Next Club Meeting - April 8th at Hot Sulphur Springs Town Hall

  • Sell fruit–Earn trip assistance for 2022-23 4-H year (county complex selling doesn’t count)

    • 10 boxes of peaches earns $25

    • 20 boxes combined   earns $50

    • 35 boxes combined   earns $75