Sunday, October 14, 2018

Recap of October 2018 Meeting

by Marcy Wheatley

Meeting Date: October 12, 2018
Old Business
National 4-H Week -- Did everyone deliver their cookies and thank you cards?
Thank-you letter - A thank you was in Grand Gazette.  Did one get put in Sky-Hi or 4-H newsletter?  Tish

New Business
Club Officers for 2018-19
President - Ben Mathis
Vice President - Rhaelyn Haddix
Secretary - Foster Krempin
Treasurer - Audrey Wheatley
Reporters - Rhaelyn Haddix (even months) & Kenna Wall (odd months)
Pledge Leaders - Sego and Flint Krempin
Council Representatives - Sego and Flint Krempin

Business Expenses
Club approved $15 to Grand Gazette for peach delivery ad & $15 to Brady Mathis to keep our website

Tish - calculate your mileage for getting pears and we will get you reimbursed.

Club voted to give Peachfork Orchards (Phil) a food basket from Harry & David for $60-$70
(in lieu of not letting us pay for his hotel room)
Community Service
Club voted to give Mountain Family Center $100 as a general donation (not for a specific program).

Club voted to participate in Operation Christmas Child.  
We will donate 6 boxes (one for each age group and girls and boys).
$200 total with includes $9/box/shipping
We will shop after the next 4-H meeting in Kremmling at the Family Dollar
Families can donate new items from home if they desire.
Please bring to next month's meeting.

Christmas tree lightings -
Club voted to participate in Granby and Kremmling tree lightings.
Club voted to buy 300 cookies from Starla.
Shelly, will you be contact with Starla to pick up cookies?
We will get a check to you when needed.
Granby is Nov 16th from 4-6 PM
Paige - What time do we need to set up?
You said that tables will be provided.  
Do we need extension cord? Percolator?
Each family will make 2 dozen cookies for Granby
Who can volunteer to serve?
Kremmling tree lighting is Dec 1st
I will find out when cookies need delivered.
           Each family will make 2 dozen cookies for Kremmling.

Christmas gifts for kids
Club voted to donate $100 to both West Grand Wishes and Joyful Givers
(Joyful Givers is sponsored by Trinity Church in the Pines)

Volunteers for November's Meeting
Prayer - Audrey
Devotion - Rhaelyn
Refreshments - Taylah
Game - no game as we will be shopping for Operation Christmas Child

Please read the club announcements, as well as the 4-H Council newsletter on your own.

Homesteaders Club Announcements

Achievement Night - Saturday, October 20th @ 6 p.m @ East Grand Middle School
               Homesteaders bring a dessert or salad to serve 16
Apple Deliveries will be the end of October
Next Club Meeting - Friday, November 9th @ 1:30 p.m. @ Kremmling Community Church

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
Next Council Meeting - Monday, November 5th @ 7 p.m. @ the Hot Sulphur Springs Town Hall
Two 4-H Open House Opportunities - Learn about the 4-H program and get help registering!
Kremmling, Nov. 1st at 6 p.m in the Extension Hall
Granby, Nov. 8th at 7 p.m. in the Granby Community Center

Plan for Tree Lighting Ceremony Treats
Plan for Tree Lighting Ceremony Treats
Granby - November 16th @ 4-6 p.m. - arrive and set up at 3:30?
Each family make 2 dozen cookies + 150 from Starla?
Hot Water Plan: Who will heat water?  Do we need Tish's percolator?
This is from last year--volunteers and assignments may change. Let me know what you can do.
Marcy: styrofoam cups, plastic spoons, napkins, club banner
Tonya: hot water(?), trash can and large plastic trash bags
Shelly: extra tubs for leftover cookies, hot cocoa mix (1 or 2 batches?), packing tape
Tish: 2 tables, extension cords, large coffee percolator, 2 tablecloths, Christmas trays and plates
Paige: Russian Spiced Tea mix
What else do we need?

Kremmling - December 1st
I will make sure this is still the plan this year.
Deliver cookies by 3 p.m. at Kremmling’s Visitor’s Center in Town Square
300 cookies of various flavors needed
150 cookies from Starla Rindt (Shelly will coordinate with Starla)
Each family will donate 2 dozen cookies and arrange delivery