Friday, February 17, 2017

Recap of February 2017 Meeting

by Shelly Mathis

Meeting Date: February 10, 2017

Officer Round Robin

Many thanks and congratulations to the members who learned how to be officers in this meeting: Foster - President; Ethan - Secretary; and Shiloh - Treasurer.  You did a super job!
Ben’s 4-H Council Meeting Report: Ben reported that the council is working hard to figure out how to encourage each club to send the right number of representatives to council meetings.  This is very important in order for council to meet quorum and get things done for all 4-H’ers in the county.  Ben said that our club qualifies to have two representatives at each meeting to vote, although more are welcome in order to be involved and to cover in case one of our representatives is not able to attend.  The council is considering making two council meetings a requirement to receive trip assistance.  The next council meeting is March 6th.   :)

Old Business

  • District Retreat
    • Audrey, Ben, Foster, Shiloh, and Taylah are attending District Retreat.  Ben will write a check to pay the club’s trip assistance (amounting to $50 for each member - a total of $250).  Completed and turned in on Monday, February 13th.
  • New Club T-Shirts
    • Isaiah shared various design and color ideas for new club T-shirts.  Members made tally marks to vote on the style they liked.  They chose white ink on green shirts.
    • Isaiah will continue researching color options and price comparisons between the three local T-shirt shops and get back with us at the March meeting.
  • Community Service Projects
    • Tree Donation for Kremmling Town Square
      • Tish called Cold Springs: John told her that a five-gallon tree would be $45-48 a seven-gallon would be $75-100. The five and seven-gallon buckets are really the biggest size that our club members could handle planting without equipment. The trunk size on those is around an inch, give or take.
      • Town’s Response: Shelly spoke with Kremmling’s town manager (Mark Campbell) today.  He understood that Emmylou would be providing all 3 trees needed in the town square, however the Doc Ceriani Park could use some.  They planted trees there last year that were 1-2 feet tall; deer killed them.  The town botanist recommends trees 5-6-feet tall - firs, aspens, or cottonless cottonwoods.  Shelly called Cold Springs: firs (if they get them) - $95-100; cottonwoods at 3-½-feet around $45 (bigger, a little more expensive); aspens - $45-75 (recommended).  Cold Springs will get trees in around June; Mark said that the Town would provide equipment/help with planting.  The club is still deliberating on their decision.
      • Next Action: The club agreed that our first priority for trees has been at the fairground park built last summer.  Ben will contact Travis to see if more trees are needed there before we commit to giving money for trees in the town parks.  We’ll continue this discussion at the March meeting.
    • Kremmling Fire Protection District
      • We’re providing lunch for their recruit academy - Saturday, Feb, 25th at noon.
      • Moms will organize food and other details via email.

New Business

  • 4-H Projects
    • Everyone has received their project books from the Extension Office.  It’s a good time to get started on projects!  Contact Shelly or the Extension Office if you need help.
  • Ethan read a card from Lacy where she apologized for forgetting to award our club with a 100% completion award for last year.  She gave us a $25 gift certificate for ice cream at Jilly’s.  The club is considering getting ice cream after April’s meeting or when we do the weeding at Cliffview.
  • Spring Activities
    • March Club Meeting - If Lacy does not go into labor early, she will be giving us a presentation on how to give a 4-H demonstration.
    • When should we sell fruit at the government buildings in HSS?
      • Tuesday, February 28th - The courthouse asked our club to be available to sell fruit at the BOCC meeting on this date.  Tish and her kids will go.  Please contact her if you can go help, as well.
      • Wednesday, March 29th
    • The club is interested in weeding the grounds at Cliffview this spring if they need it.  Shelly will contact Jeff to see if and when that might be needed.
  • March’s Meeting Volunteers
    • Prayer - Taylah
    • Devotion - Evan
    • Refreshments - Foster

Homesteaders Club Announcements

  • Next Club Meeting - Friday, March 10th at HSS Community Church from 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements

  • 4-H Council Meeting - Monday, March 6th @ 7 p.m. in Hot Sulphur Springs
    • We need to have 2-3 representatives from our club to attend!!
  • District Retreat - March 24th-26th in Glenwood Springs for ages 10 and up
    • Registration is DUE February 28th!
  • Read the County 4-H Newsletter - to find out about county activities, 4-H trips and projects, deadlines, and more!