by Shelly Mathis
By all means, please let me know if I forgot or incorrectly recorded something. Thanks!
Meeting Date: October 14, 2016
Old Business
National 4-H Week - Cookie deliveries went well. The club talked about baking more for next year in order to include more businesses who bought fruit (i.e. HSS Library, Social Services, etc.).
Apple Delivery - Tish spoke with Phil. Apples should be ready by the end of October. She will ask that he bring them before the Mathis family leaves for Florida on November 3rd.
Shelly will complete the updated apple count and get the numbers to Phil, Tish, and Marcy, as well as complete the late peach sale spreadsheets and deposits.
- Thank-you Letter to 4-H Newsletter, Sky Hi News, and Grand Gazette - Although Audrey did not get this done during September, she will work on it in October.
- 2016-2017 Officers:
- President - Liberty
- VP - Isaiah Callarman
- Treasurer - Ben
- Secretary - Audrey
- Pledge Leader - Shiloh
- Substitute Pledge Leader - Foster
- Club Reporter - Evan
- Photographer - Taylah and Evan
- 4-H Council Reps
- Ben
- Audrey
- Other members always welcome!
New Business
- Financial
- In September, Brady Mathis paid for the club’s website domain name ( The club voted to reimburse him for the $15 fee from our Miscellaneous Supplies fund.
- Cathie Hook gave the club a $200 donation! The club signed a thank-you card.
- Senior Tray Favors
- The club received a thank-you letter from the Kremmling Seniors for tray favors.
- The club voted to do tray favors on a more regular basis, approximately every other month. (If I did not remember this correctly, someone please correct me! I can’t remember the exact wording of the motion.)
- The total number of tray favors to be made for Kremmling and Granby is 75 (60 in Kremmling and 15 in Granby).
- Holiday Community Service: Refreshments for Tree Lighting Ceremonies
- The club voted to purchase refreshments (cookies and drink mixes) and necessary serving supplies for the tree lighting ceremonies in Granby, Hot Sulphur Springs, and Kremmling. The club will purchase 300 cookies total from Starla Rindt (150 for Granby/HSS and 150 for Kremmling).
- Granby - Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016
- Setup @ 4:30 p.m. and kickoff at 5 p.m. - approximately
- 150 cookies from Starla Rindt
- Each club family will donate 3 dozen cookies (leftovers will be taken to HSS two days later)
- 1 Russian Tea mix - Susan Wall
- 2 Hot Cocoa batches - Shelly Mathis
- Supplies:
- Marcy: styrofoam cups, plastic spoons, napkins
- Tonya: trash can and large plastic trash bags
- Shelly: leftover cookie trays from last year OR extra tubs for cookies
- Tish: 2 tables, club banner, extension cords, water for boiling, large coffee percolator (to boil water), 2 tablecloths, Christmas trays(?)
- Volunteer Servers:
- Liberty?
- Taylah & Chisum
- Marcy & Audrey
- Kenna (with Tim or Marcy?)
- Tish, Foster, Flint, Sego
- Emily, Lexi, and Eliana (?)
- SPECIAL NOTE: Tish will send hot water and supplies, etc. along with someone IF she cannot make it to the HSS ceremony on the 19th
- Hot Sulphur Springs - Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016
- Time - 6 p.m.
- They need 2-3 trays of cookies.
- Leftover cookies from Granby brought here (Someone will take cookies home to freeze and deliver to HSS on Saturday.)
- Tish will verify if the club will be needed to serve. - NO, they do not need servers, nor do they need hot drinks.
- Volunteer Servers (no longer needed):
- Volunteer Cookie Deliverer: TBD at Nov. 11th meeting
- Kremmling - Saturday, Dec. 3rd
- Contact: Shyla Bohall. Requested 300 cookies of various flavors.
- 150 cookies from Starla Rindt
- Each family will donate 2 dozen cookies.
- Shelly needs to verify if the chamber has servers or if they are needed, as well as requested time of cookie delivery.
- Other Community Service Ideas
- Granby Rec Department will hold sewing classes and would appreciate financial aid. The club voted to provide a $400 scholarship to them. Ben will write the check and mail it.
- The club discussed giving a financial donation to West Grand Wishes (Todd Wilson) and to Joyful Givers (Bill Housley) for Christmas gifts to children in need. The club will vote on this at the November meeting, once we know how much money we earned this year after our fruit fundraiser.
- Other ideas researched and discussed, but not voted on or approved:
- Marcy reported that KMH residents are always in need of personal hygiene products. A future idea is providing baskets of products for residents.
- Susan Wall reported that some Cliffview residents do not have close family members. Jeff Paxton will know better about needs as the holidays approach.
- KFPD: Shelly did not have a chance to discuss this with Brady, but she will.
- Moms & club members - please continue to brainstorm about community service ideas. Make a list to bring to the meetings or send Shelly an email or text. The club can review ideas periodically and decide as the year progresses.
- Tonya suggested that an idea for future consideration is to donate a tree for the Kremmling town square. The town is looking for donations to replace the cottonwoods that have died and been removed.
- Officer Round Robin - At each meeting (beginning in November), names of all club members (excluding Liberty, Audrey, Ben and any Cloverbuds who do not want to participate) will be drawn and paired up to learn about different club officer positions. Get ready for some fun learning “on the job”! :)
- November Meeting Volunteers
- Prayer - Taylah
- Devotion - Foster
- Refreshments - Evan
Homesteaders Club Announcements
- NEXT Club Meeting - November 11th 1-3 p.m (ok time or later?) @ KCC
- 4-H Enrollment begins this Sunday, October 16th - DUE by December 31st
- Does anyone have any questions about this process? Need any materials?
- Enter your information (email & password)... select your club and projects
- Print off form at end of process
- Submit to Extension Office with enrollment fees.
- Shelly will work on sending Emily Petefish and Rachel Callarman 4-H project lists and registration information, as well as info on any 4-H Open House programs being held this fall.
Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
- 4-H Achievement Night: next Saturday! (Oct. 22nd) in Granby - East Grand Middle School - 5:30 p.m.
- Homesteaders bring side dishes or salads, please!
- 4-H Council Meeting - Monday, Nov. 7th @ 7 p.m. in Hot Sulphur Springs
- Ben will be absent (returning from Florida that day), so having at least 2 club representatives would be great!
- Read the Newsletter - to find out about county activities, 4-H trips and projects, deadlines, and more!