Monday, May 16, 2016

Minutes for May 2016 Meeting

By Audrey Wheatley, Secretary

The monthly meeting for the Homesteaders 4-H club was held Friday, May 13, 2016.

President Liberty Mathis called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. Jill Wilkinson said the prayer. Ben Mathis read a devotion from Matthew 6:33-34. Foster Krempin led the pledges. Jill did the roll call in Audrey Wheatley’s absence. Members were to respond with what mythical creature they would be.There were 5 parent/leaders, 8 members, and 3 guests. Jill read the minutes in Audrey’s absence. Foster moved we accept the minutes. Flint seconded it; the motion passed. Ben reported that the bank had messed up the bank statement. Ben moved to table the treasurer’s report until the next meeting. Kenna seconded it; the motion passed.

Old Business:
Jill moved that club families buy fruit at cost from orchard. Ben seconded it; the motion passed. Due to our cost varying with the number of boxes sold, Jill amended the motion that club families can buy peaches for $25 per box and apples and pears for $20 a box. Kenna seconded it; the motion passed.

Our club donation to the fair of $100 will be sponsoring the exhibit competitions.

New Business:
The club’s trip to the Peachfork Orchards will be tabled until September.

Parents decided that the adventure day will be on a Sunday afternoon. Please email Shelly available days.

June’s meeting will be on the 24th.

For the next meeting;
Foster- Prayer
Audrey- Devotion
Ben- Refreshments

Evan moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:40 p.m. Kenna seconded it the motion passed.

After the adjournment Jill and Foster will do their demonstrations followed by a party for Jill and community service at the Cliffview Assisted Living Center.