by Shelly Mathis
Meeting Date: February 12, 2016
Old Business
- Sew It Seamz Scholarship Update
- We will be billed at the end of April.
- Two students are using the scholarship for tuition, and one is using it for fabric.
- Fruit Fundraiser
- Paperwork was handed out. Begin selling this spring when it works for you.
- Please turn in your completed paperwork and payments at each club meeting date.
- Mark your calendars! We will sell fruit at the Grand County Courthouse (and surrounding buildings) on Wednesday, March 30th, at 8:30 a.m.
- We only need a few families to do this. Come if you can. No worries if you cannot. :)
New Business
- New Club Members: David Worden and Evan Crandall. Welcome! Ask us questions
- Club Website Updates: Much of the site is updated; let Shelly know if you see errors.
- District Retreat: Members who are 4-H age 10 (on 12/31/15) and older can attend!
- Registration and trip assistance forms were emailed out Jan. 21st.
- Total Cost = $150
- Council Trip Assistance Forms
- Council Trip Assistance = ½ (if requested and approved) - $75
- Club Members Who Earned Council Trip Assistance Last Year:
- Ben - 8 hours + truck raffle tickets
- Liberty - 4 hours + truck raffle tickets
- Audrey - 5 hours
- Shiloh - 4.5 hours
- Taylah - 3 hours + truck raffle tickets
- David - 4 hours
- Registration forms, council trip assistance forms, and payment are DUE Feb. 29th.
- Club Trip Assistance
- The club voted to give $50 to each member who attends a 4-H camp.
- That means that each member is only responsible for $25, if they earned council’s trip assistance.
- Let Shelly know if you’re going to District Retreat, so we can coordinate payment with you.
- Club Banner
- The club voted to purchase a weather-proof banner for our club activities.
- We will purchase the banner from Lundsford Signs. A 2’ x 5’ banner with two colors is around $95.
- Tish will communicate with Lundsford signs to get more information on the design.
- Community Service
- The club voted to order 150 cookies from Starla Rindt to donate to the Kremmling Chamber for the Easter Egg Hunt in March (date TBA).
- Next month’s volunteers…
- Prayer - Evan
- Devotion - Jill
- Refreshments - Shiloh
- Announcements
Homesteaders Club Announcements
- NEXT Club Meeting - Friday, March 11th from 1-3 p.m. @ KCC
- Community Service: We will be knitting baby hats with Knifty Knitters following the meeting. Stay tuned for details!
Middle Park 4-H Council Announcements
- Cloverbud Activities - Thursday, February 25th - Watch your email for more info. from the office.
- Middle Park 4-H Scholarships - Applications due to office by March 4th.
- 2016 Colorado 4-H Foundation Scholarship info available online (see newsletter). Due by April 1st.
- Record Books - Start early!
- 4-H Council Meeting - Monday, March 7th @ 7 p.m. in Hot Sulphur Springs
- District Retreat - March 18-20, 2016 in Glenwood Springs
- Registration forms and payment due by February 29th
- Read the Newsletter - to find out about county activities, 4-H projects, deadlines, and more!