* Fall field trip to Peachfork Orchards
--It was asked if we would like to go on a Friday towards the end of October to get apples and tour the orchard. I spoke with Tish and she said that Phil had told her when he delivered the pears that the apples may be ready before the end of October. Tish will let us know when the apples are ready.
--We may need to go on a day other than Friday. We will just communicate when the time comes and see who is available to go. I think 2 pickups would be sufficient to bring the 71 or so apples back.
* New club officers
--Please let Shelly know what office your child(ren) would like to have and we can assign the positions. I will forward the info I received from Taylah and Shiloh and Tish.
* National 4-H Week is Oct 4-10
--Shelly, we thought we would have a meeting on the 9th. If that is correct, we voted for each family to make 2 dozen cookies. We can mix them up at the meeting and then deliver to businesses, etc. around town that support 4-H or bought fruit from us.
--Tish can deliver her cookies to the courthouse to thank those for supporting us or she can wait until after our meeting to get a mix and then take some to the courthouse.
--I will get something to pack the cookies in and I have fall stickers we can use to decorate the packages. I will also print something about our club and National 4-H week.
* Fall Tray Favors
--Since we are doing the cookies in Oct, we decided to do tray favors in Nov. I have those ordered.