Hi All, here is the summary of today's meeting (held October 19, 2012). Please feel free to add to this or make corrections.
1. Upcoming Tray favors-
November-Mathis, December-Aprills, January-Molly. We need approx 60 made
We are going to make pot holders for the Craft show. The Bohalls will
buy fabric before November 16th,we will sew them after the meeting on
that day. Plan on sewing 4 hours or so. The club will provide drinks
and pizza for supper, and we will utilize our ice-cream club competion
party for desert.
3. We are having a booth at the fall fest--booth provided, we will man the booth. We donated 32.00 dollars for candy.
We are going to sponsor Helen Wordon @ Christmas. She likes music CD's,
symphony, classical) she could use a neck pillow, lotion, XXL sweat
pants, and lap throw. She also likes cheetos. Does anyone have anything
like this they could already donate? Used music tapes would be fine.
Also, JoAnna is going to contact Cliffview to see if someone has a need
there. We will spend approx 50.00 each.
5. We will make the
tie blankets for the Mountain Family Center at future meetings. Shyla
will prepare and kids can tie during meeting.
6. We are going to have a cookie/gift exchange at the Dec meeting. We will draw names @ the November 16th meeting.
Each family needs to bring 2 doz cookies to the November meeting.
Shyla will bring cards, We are going to deliver them businesses who
have supported our club.
8. We will go to Steamboat to shop
for the shoe box ministry November 7th. Marcy will drive, she
will let us know what time. Also, we can pack the boxes then, or do it
@ the Christian School on the 8th @ 1:30. Does anyone have
shoe boxes? We will sponsor 4 girls, 4 boys, and spend approx 13.00
per box. The shipping is around 7.00, so that will be about 20.00 per
box. Just for the record- the Bohalls can bring lotion, soap,
combs, gum & toothpaste to put in them. Does anyone else have
items? Julie is going to get the list of items not to put in from the
Christian School.
9. We donated 50.00 towards Awana's for needs of the program.
10. Molly, can you get that letter to the Credit Union to my by next week?
Can anybody think of anything else? Any questions?
Thanks and God Bless,
Shawn & Shyla
Marcy's response:
If anyone has any baby hats by the time we go to Steamboat for shopping,
we can drop them off at the hospital, too, that day. When the time
gets closer let me know if you would prefer to leave early afternoon or
get home a little later. I have an eye appt at 2:45 that day that we can
work around.