by Secretary Shyla Bohall
The regular monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held on March 12th , 2010 at the Kremmling Community Church.
President Anna Soltis called the meeting to order at 1:40pm. Ben Mathis led the pledges. Roll Call was answered with "What is your favorite song?" There were 8 members, 3 adults, and no guests in attendance. The Minutes were approved as read. The Treasurers Report was approved as read. The song "Chick-a-rocka-ree-chi-chan" was led by Ben Mathis. Devotion was led by Matthew Crandall on Psalm 150. Anna Soltis gave the Council report.
Old Business
4-H Cloverbud Day Camp Planning Meeting-on the 26th at 2:00 at the Extension Office
Fundraiser for state 4-H-old jewelry: state officers are collecting gold to fund scholarships
New Business
Volunteers for Spring Break Camp are needed- contact Mrs. Caroline
Newspaper-If you have any ideas for an article- contact Shyla Bohall
Community Gardens for 4-H members-check Clover Connection for more information
Demonstrations and Progress Reports
A demonstration were done by Ben Mathis on "Woodworking Safety Tips."
There were no progress reports.
Truck Raffle tickets-$5 each
District Retreat is March 26-28, 2010 at Snow Mountain Ranch
Next Council Meeting is Aprill 5th at 7pm
Lightening Pictures- due July 30th
May 1st -New members enrollment deadline
Our April meeting has been changed to April 2nd at 3:30 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.