Friday, December 14, 2012

Minutes for December's Meeting

by Secretary Julie Aprill

The monthly meeting of the Homesteaders 4-H club was held on December 7th 2012 in the Sew it Seamz classroom.

President Shyla Bohall called the meeting to order at 12:57 P.M.  Audrey Wheatley lead the pledges.  Roll call was on your
favorite planet; oddly most people chose Naboo.  Julie Aprill read the minutes, Liberty Mathis moved that we accept them, and Molly seconded it; the motion passed.  Liberty Mathis gave the Treasurer's report, Ben Mathis moved that we accept them, and Julie Aprill seconded it.

Old Business

We spent approximately $68 on Bret, which was slightly over our 50$ budget.  Shelly Mathis said that she could pay the $18.  Julie moved that the club pay the entire balance, and Audrey Wheatley seconded it; the motion passed.

New Business

The Stock Show is January 18th. Molly moved that the club pay for our tickets, Ben Mathis seconded it; motion passed.  

Fiber Fun Fest is February 16th, we discussed spending the night and going to a dairy farm the next day.  Next meeting is January 25th at 12:30.


Caroling December 20th with Winners Circle.  
LDC is January 26th-29th, Registration is January 11th

Julie Aprill moved that we adjourn the meeting, Ben Mathis seconded it, motion pass and the meeting was adjourned 1:43 P.M.  

After the meeting we had our cookie exchange, ice cream party, and gift exchange.